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10 Biggest Mistakes Strict Parents Make

10 Biggest Mistakes Strict Parents Make
Parents become strict often so that their kids make no mistake and intend to help them grow up to be perfectionists in whatever they do. Sometimes, being too strict could do worse. Read on to learn about the 10 biggest mistakes strict parents make.

The role of parents is very significant in shaping kid’s approach towards life and everything included. However, parents should know that any kind of parenting mistake done will result in letting their children grow to become unbalanced individuals.
Being strict is good, but you should check if you are too strict. For example, if you ask your 5 year old to put his or her shoes in place every time, it is fine. But if you expect him or her to arrange the closet and keep all the shoes in line, you should check your parenting style. After all you need to instil good habits in your child and do not want him or her to rebel or stay in fear always.

Biggest Mistakes Strict Parents Make

Let us take a look the 10 biggest mistakes made by strict parents.

1. Giving Orders without Feedback

Strict parents set the rules and give no one a chance to discuss them. No one at home is allowed to suggest or point out whether the rule is going to work or not. Also, dialogues and conversation are not allowed.

2. Giving Punishments Forever

Strict parents punish their children without giving the time limit for which it would be effective. However, right and effective discipline is possible only when kids are punished with the limit set on the punishment.

3. Leaving Kids with No Choice

As a parent it is fine you set rules, but giving kids no choice will not help them grow to a well balanced individual.

4. Giving Harsh Punishments

If you keep your child grounded for the entire vacation just because he or she did not obey your order one day, shows you are a strict parent. This may make your child a rebellion.

5. Setting Unrealistic Expectations

Strict parents do not consider the age and behaviour of their child while setting limits or expectations from the child. This keeps the child always under pressure.

6. Nagging Constantly

Strict parents make too many rules and keep reminding the child without even seeing whether the child is following it in daily life or not. They get too much involved in their child’s life. This hampers their growth and development.

7. Being Cold Towards Children

Being strict makes parents tough and this leads to cold behaviour with kids. Just keep in mind that discipline works better when you are warm and patient with your child. Acceptance and respect towards your child will make him or her feel closer towards you.

8. Giving Kids no Leisure Time

Strict parents set rules and schedule their children’s day leaving them with no leisure time. Do not forget that children need some free time so that they can find and pursue their passion.

9. Home Environment is Always Cold

Strict parents always discipline and never share light moments or allow fun filled environment at home. They never praise or laugh with their kids. Also, kids do not feel comfortable coming to such parents with any kind of trouble they would be facing.

10. Disallow Allow Kids to Mix with Other Kids

Strict parents usually do not allow their kids to play and interact with their peers. This will hamper social development in your child and the fear of missing out can make your child become too anxious later in life.
When taken to extreme, strict parenting may lead to negative and long term impact on your child. Not only this, it can even encourage certain harmful behaviours like smoking, consuming alcohol and so on.

What kind of mistakes do strict parents make? What are the effects of being too strict with children? Do strict parents raise well mannered children? Discuss here.

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Kanchi.8 years ago
Children of strict parents may behave nicely in front of them but they may do whatever they want behind the back of parents. So, it is important to develop trust instead of being too strict with kids.
Sneha.8 years ago
Being strict with kids can make them more stubborn. They will get used to the strictness and never take it seriously later on.
Dhyaan.8 years ago
It is not good to be too strict with kids. They will never open-up if they are in trouble due to the strict behaviour of parents.
.4 months ago
.4 months ago
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