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Benefits of Drinking Water

Benefits of Drinking Water

Are you Pregnant? You should be drinking at least ten glasses of water every day. Here's why.

Water is considered to be the elixir of life. No matter where you are or where you come from, water is something you will need for survival. As the very common scientific statement goes, “72 percent of the human body is made up of water”, which states the importance of water in our lives, think about the importance of the role it plays in the creation of another life in a pregnant mother’s womb and also to the mother.
Pregnancy causes various hormonal changes in a woman’s body which can be hard to deal with sometimes. Water combats such problems like morning sickness, nausea and even gas.

Advantages of Drinking Water during Pregnancy

Here are a few reasons why drinking water is extremely important during pregnancy.

Helps Keeping You Hydrated

The first and foremost purpose of water is to keep you hydrated and especially for pregnant women, keeping the body hydrated helps prevent nausea, dizziness and headaches. As it is, these are symptoms brought about by pregnancy, so why not combat it by drinking an adequate amount of water every day?

Prevents False Alarm

When you are going into labour, the body produces a hormone called pitocin. This hormone is very similar to another hormone produced when the body is dehydrated. Thus, if you are dehydrated when you are pregnant, your body may mistake the other hormones to be pitocin, and cause your uterus to contract even if you are not going into labour. However, you should get a check up and may be required to take fluids for dehydration.

Your Kidneys Will Thank You

Your baby in your womb is constantly growing and developing, and pressure on your bladder increases. As a result, some urine remains in your bladder even though you feel you've emptied it. As urine in your bladder can cause bacteria, you should empty it more often, which can only happen when you drink a lot of water. And remember, you should urinate the moment you feel the urge. Do not hold it in.

Prevents Constipation

A majority of women experience constipation and irregular stools when they are pregnant. Iron and vitamin supplements that are taken during pregnancy harden the stool, making it difficult to be passed (in addition to various other factors like hormonal changes etc). Water helps dissolve the stool, reducing chances of constipation.

Provides Nourishment

Water aids the flow of nutrients to your baby.

Helps in Breastfeeding

When you are breastfeeding your baby you should drink even more water, as breastfeeding makes you thirsty and could dehydrate you if you have not had adequate water.

Prevents Skin Problems

Pregnancy and hormonal imbalances go hand in hand. During pregnancy, the hormonal changes may cause acne and pimples in your skin that was on smooth and flawless. But worry not because the goodness of water has got your back. Drinking lot of water everyday will give you a clear complexion and might also help reduce acne.

Prevents Urinary Infections

During pregnancy a woman experiences frequent urination. Hence, pregnant women are more susceptible to infections in the urinary tract. Drinking a lot of water helps prevent such infections because it dilutes the urine.

Prevents Oedema

A pregnant woman’s body produces fifty percent more of blood and bodily fluids to sustain a growing baby inside her. This leads to swelling which is the caused by high blood pressure and the additional body fluids which is called oedema. Drinking loads of water helps minimize the sodium content by flushing it out and thereby reduces swelling.

Maintains the Amniotic Fluid

The amniotic fluid is the fluid inside the womb that your baby swims in. Hence keeping your baby comfortable and maintaining the amniotic fluid levels inside the womb are crucial. Drinking adequate amounts of water is necessary for that.

Prevents Heat Strokes

Pregnant women are more prone to heat strokes. The best cure for a heat stroke is drinking a lot of water which keeps the water levels in check.

Prevents Excessive Weight Gain

Excessive weight gain, because of excessive eating during pregnancy is also one of the major problems women face. However, drinking water is a strategy that helps prevent over-eating.

And finally…

A twist of lemon in your glass of water is very refreshing, and good for you!
Drink at least 2 litres of water every single day of your life, and increase this amount when you are pregnant. You must also confirm the amount of water intake during pregnancy with your obstetrician.
Keep a bottle of water handy. If water is accessible at arms length, you tend to drink more.
Avoid any drinks with artificial sweeteners. They're okay once in a while, but do not make a habit of them when pregnant.
Consuming adequate amounts of water during pregnancy is extremely crucial. Bearing a child for nine months in your womb can be stressful. Your body will change, you will experience a lot of mental and psychological stress, your eating habits and preferences change and even activities you would engage in on a daily basis also change.
Therefore, it is extremely important to keep yourself safe, healthy and free of stress so that your pregnancy and pre-motherhood journey can be carried out on rosy wings. Being a mother is hard, but the feeling is one of a kind, one that is only yours to experience. Keep yourself happy and healthy.

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Shreya.7 years ago
Water is very necessary!
Nisha.10 years ago
I feel very heavy when I have water...and seems water just stays as it is in my stomach..what should I do...but the urine I pass is always yellow..
Nisha.10 years ago
I feel very heavy when I have water...and seems water just stays as it is in my stomach..what should I do...but the urine I pass is always yellow..
Jackie.13 years ago
Thanx for the great job your doing be blessed abundantly.
As for me i really don't know what to do every time i try 2 take water i feel like throwing up this has made me hate water
what can i do?
.13 years ago
thnks for such a great info.. i surely try to drink more water ...
faith.14 years ago
is drinking water healthy for a pregnanacy. how many litres should one take in per day ?
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