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5 Things to Remember Before You Hit Your Child

5 Things to Remember Before You Hit Your Child
Do you hit your child? Here are 5 things which you must remember so that you can avoid hitting your child.
Hitting or spanking your children to get them on to the right track is never a wise idea. It makes them more stubborn. Instead of spanking your kids try some lighter ways to punish your kids. Here are some useful things discussed that every parent should know before they vent out their anger by hitting their kids.

1. Hitting Does No Good

Before you start hitting your kids to bring them back to the right track, know this in heart that hitting and spanking does no good either ways. You will be tired and disgusted when you cannot find any solution other than hitting and your child continues misbehaving in spite of your daily spankings. Children who are hit feel embarrassed inside and that shows up in their behaviour.
Children who are hit tend to become more stubborn and start to give a deaf ear to what you say. They become so used to your spankings that he starts ignoring your warnings. So instead of hitting your kids try out other ways to rectify their faults so they can understand where they went wrong. Feeling remorse inside and showing violent behaviour outside keep the things in the same place and does no good in finding any favourable solutions.

2. Hitting Leads to Poor Self Esteem in Kids

Research has shown that spanking your kids always lowers their self esteem. If they get constantly hit by their parents or their teachers, a time will come when they will start devaluing themselves and think that if they were not such a bad child, they would not get hit by their parents. Always remember that hitting children hurts their mind more than it hurts their body. Physically abusing your kids may lead them to a mental trauma and then getting back your kids to their normal life would be a difficult job.

3. Hitting Teaches Violence to Kids

When you hit your children you are practically teaching them to hit back. You are indirectly telling them that hitting those who are smaller and weaker than you to get things done is an acceptable thing in society. You are practically teaching them that violence is the way out to deal with frustration and it is the only way out how anyone could solve conflicts. So those kids who are hit by their parents have the tendency to hit other kids who are smaller than them. They always have a tendency to involve in a fight.

4. Fear and Distrust

Hitting your kids teaches your kids to fear you. They fear you more than they respect you. When you hit your kids they feel embarrassed and humiliated and may take revenge against you by being uncooperative. It grinds down the trust that they have for you and hampers the bonding that you have with your child. This leads to constant misunderstanding between you and your child. It devalues your role as a responsible parent. It creates a distance between you and your child.

5. Hitting Your Kids May be Dangerous

Hitting your kids is physically very dangerous. Sometimes in the wrath of anger you may hit your kids harder than you intended to and that may be become very dangerous and life threatening to your kids; you can never forgive yourself for this and this guilt will haunt you for the rest of your life. Hitting hard may cause blood blisters or some other fatal injuries and you may have to hospitalise your kid for that.
Physically abusing your kids promotes anger in kids as well as in parents and brings remorseful situations in the house. So stop spanking your kids and try to handle the situation wisely.

How to avoid hitting kids? Which things should be kept in mind before hitting children? What are the negative effects of hitting children? Discuss here.

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