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You are here : home > Indian Culture > Indian Festivals and occassions > How to Celebrate Easter with Kids?

How to Celebrate Easter with Kids?

From sharing stories to cooking food and making crafts, there are many fun ways in which you can celebrate Easter with your kids. Read on to learn how you can make Easter a complete and enjoyable family function and make the tradition even more fun filled.
Easter is the most important occasion which even parents look forward to celebrate with kids after praying and mourning while observing Good Friday. Although children might be interested in white chocolate bunnies and colourful and decorative Easter eggs, you should try to focus and give priority in helping children understand God’s love for them.

Ways to Anticipate True Easter Celebration with Kids

Here is how you can celebrate Easter Sunday with your kids.

Read Books and Share Easter Stories

Read out Easter books if your kids are very small and encourage them to talk about Easter and the reason why we celebrate Jesus at Easter. For older children you can buy those books and make them read sections aloud so that they develop more acceptability.

Celebrate the Fact That Jesus Is Alive

Plan and make memories by celebrating Easter with the fact that Jesus is alive. You can make resurrection garden with the help of rocks, sticks, soil and grass, make resurrection eggs and you can even make resurrection roles for breakfast on that day.

Share Your Life’s Story

Children usually believe the stories that happen in reality these days. If you share your story and explain what god has done for you, they will be able to get into the concept in a better way. In fact, it is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children who God is and the way he changes lives of people who believe in Him. Make sure you do not exaggerate anything or make it look like a story when you share with your kids how Jesus changed your life and what he did that day.

Organise an Easter Party

The party is similar to Christmas party. The only thing is that you need not be extravagant. You can plan for party games that can include treasure hunts with Easter eggs or Easter egg hunt game which is typical for Easter celebration. Do not forget to bake or buy a cake and make your kids write, ‘Alleluia, Jesus has risen’. Try to allot some time for story telling also so that your kids and their friends come to know about death as well as resurrection of Lord Jesus.

Serve Needy People

This is one of the best ways to celebrate Easter with kids. You can help many needy people and double the joy of celebration. This will also help your kids to remember all through their life that we should not forget the needy people especially when it is festival time.

Some ideas to serve others together

  • Prepare snacks and distribute them in poor people.
  • Visit an orphanage and donate something for the children there.
  • Visit old age home and help make old people smile.
  • Help raise funds for victims of any natural disaster that has recently hit.

Teach Your Children about Sins

Nowadays people do not talk about sins and their consequences. Children should know that God loves, but he is not tolerant when it comes to wrong doings in the perspective of religion. They should be aware of what Jesus did for humans.

When it is Easter time, it is vital that you teach your children about the Easter bunny and other things associated with the occasion. Many children wake up on Easter Sunday to see that the white Easter bunny has left them a lot of candies. They start hunting for the eggs and the child who gets maximum number of eggs wins. So, celebrate Easter in religious and fun way.

How is Easter Sunday celebrated? How to make children realise the importance of Easter Sunday? What is the story behind Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs? Discuss here.

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Christina.10 years ago
Telling stories about Easter and Lord Jesus is a must while observing Easter Sunday celebration.
Karen.10 years ago
It is mentioned to teach kids about sins but will kids understand what are sins...Kids are too young to understand all these things. Let them simply enjoy Easter Sunday.
Alwina.10 years ago
Good tips are given in this article for celebrating Easter with kids.
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