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You are here : home > Food and Nutrition > Eat Healthy Eat Right > Top 10 Best Fruits for Children

Top 10 Best Fruits for Children

Eating fruits is a must for children in order to develop a healthy body. Read on to learn about the 10 fruits that can help to boost the growth and development in children.

Eat healthy; think wise, live long is something which an individual needs to focus upon. A healthy mind and a healthy body are very essential to achieve anything on this earth.
Parents advise the kids to study well, get good grades, win in every competition they take part. Along with this, if the parents focus on proper and healthy dietary practises, it goes a long way in setting up their life styles. It would be excellent, if as parents we can correlate the foods, fruits and focus to give our best suggestions to the kids.

Including Fruits in the Diet of Children

There are best fruits which children should regularly consume to stay fit and keep performing. We need not search for fruits which are not found in the region; instead it is very essential to consume those fruits which are largely available in our neighbourhood.
There is a major relation between the climate in the region, the foods which are cultivated and also the digestive capacity of an individual. Unless there is a strong medical reason or a high allergy level, there is no need to avoid the foods and fruits which are largely available in the regions we live. Also, the fruits which are seasonally available are the best to consume as they are natural and do not need forced cultivation practises.

10 Fruits Which You Must Include in Your Child’s Diet

Have a quick look at the top 10 fruits which you must encourage your children to consume regularly.

1. Banana

Including bananas in the diet of children can help them get instant boost of energy. It contains vital nutrients that help to build strong bones and develop good eyesight. It is a storehouse of potassium and Vitamin A. It helps to promote digestion and prevents anaemia in children.

2. Papaya

Papaya is a rich source of many vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients. It is rich in iron and helps to keep digestion related problems in children at bay. It aids improved metabolism as it is rich in B complex vitamins and folic acid. It is also a good source of Vitamin A and potassium.

3. Pineapple

Pineapple contains the vital nutrients which can help to boost immunity of children. It is a fruit which can provide children with nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, manganese, dietary fibre etc.

4. Guava

Guava is a powerhouse of Vitamin C. It can help children fight with ailments like cough and cold. It is rich in iron and helps to prevent viral infections. It is a good source of Vitamin B3 and B6 which can help to aid good blood circulation to brain thereby boosting brain power of children.

5. Grapes

Grapes are rich in antioxidant which can help to prevent different types of cancers. The nutrients in grapes can also help to deal with many health ailments like constipation, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and allergies.

6. Apple

Consuming apples regularly can help to improve the neurological health and deal with health ailments like stroke, diabetes, breast cancer, obesity etc.

7. Oranges

An orange is a citrus fruit which is rich in antioxidants that help to boost the immune system of children. They help to regulate blood pressure, keep viral infections at bay, prevent cancer and kidney diseases and improve the heart health.

8. Chikku

Chikku is a rich source of minerals that are essential for the growth and development of children. It is also rich in nutrients like fructose and sucrose.

9. Custard Apple

Including custard apple in the diet of children can help them have healthy skin, eyes and hair. It is also good for developing healthy teeth. At the same time is also good for boosting the overall immune system of children.

10. Pear

Pears are rich in vitamins that can help to reduce the risk of many dreadful diseases like cancer, type-2 diabetes, heart disease etc.
It is not necessary to consume all fruits daily. But there is a need to include some fruit in our daily diet. A healthy meal is a combination of fruits, vegetables, pulses and cereals in proper quantities. Along with all these fruits, it is also important to consume few specific dry fruits. Healthy diet is always a prerequisite for a healthy body. Regionally available fruits are always a must and a good combination in a daily diet of an individual.

Importance of Right Nutrition

We need to understand that largely, a child’s performance depends on his physical and mental health conditions. If the child is deficient in vital nutrients, he will lag behind on his skills and ability to perform. So, observe the child. See where his skills are lagging behind. Improve on his capacity by giving him suitable diet. A child will grow confident and healthy. Also tell the child why a specific food has to be consumed.
Children will gain confidence, relate the foods, ensure to eat those foods and also start thinking positive. This way, we can create a relation between the food we eat and targets we set for our kid’s successful life ahead.

Why is it necessary to include fruits in the diet of children? Which fruits should be included in the diet of children? How to include fruits in the diet of children? Discuss here.

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Sarbani.7 years ago
Fruits and vegetables are a must for the growth of children.
Arushi.7 years ago
My child does not eat fruits. What can I do in order to ensure that he eats fruits happily?
Ishika.7 years ago
Children will never eat on their own. Cut these fruits in a keep them ready to eat so that whenever kids are hanging around, they can eat them. Make fruit salads, smoothies etc.
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