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Washing Machine Tips for Moms

Washing Machine Tips for Moms

Managing laundry is a hassle for mothers. Follow these smart washing machine tips so that you can deal with huge laundry piles with an ease.

Laundry is technically a pretty easy job, but you have to be careful for your clothes. Different garments have different fabric, and you cannot wash all of them in the same method. You have to take different care for different clothes. Making mistakes can not only spoil your time and energy, but can also spoil your clothes. Here are few washing machine tips for the moms.

Sort Your Laundry

Before you dump all your clothes in the washing machine, do you sort your laundry? If not, you must do it now. Separate delicate fabrics that need a gentle cycle as tough fabrics need heavier cycle. Sort the white clothes from colourful clothes; also, separate the pastel-colour clothes from the dark colour ones. Remember, soil can travel from one garment to another, so you must wash soiled garments separately.

Treat the Tough Stains Previously

If you handle the stains carefully before putting the clothes in the machine, you can definitely get rid of them. You should rinse stains in cold water as soon as possible before they get a chance to set, then you can put the clothes in the machine. Avoid hot water as they have a tendency to set the stain. Again as mentioned before, different fabrics need different care. Removing stains from silk, wool, etc. require special care, while stains from washable fabrics like cotton, linen, etc. are easy to deal with. Never rub the stains as they spread if you do that.

Choose the Right Temperature for the Water in the Machine

Cold temperature (20 Degrees Celsius) is needed for fabrics that have a tendency to shrink or fade in warm water. These are mostly recommended for wash-and-wear items, and also for dark and black colours. Warm temperature (35 Degrees Celsius) is needed for permanent press items, which includes light to medium colours. Hot temperature (55 Degrees Celsius) is recommended for clothes that can stand hot water without shrinking and decolourising itself. Mostly, the care labels at the back or inner side of your clothes will notify you what is the recommended wash temperature for them.

Dissolve the Detergent Before You Use It

You should always dissolve the detergent nicely before you use it for laundry or add detergent to the wash water and run your machine for a few minutes before you dump in the clothes. Otherwise you have to deal with detergent residue. The un-dissolved detergents not distributed by water agitating in the wash load, which leads to formation of lumps of powdered detergent. Get the detergent dissolved nicely before you wash the clothes.

Soaking the Clothes Right

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for soaking delicate fabrics. Soak the dark clothes separately from the white ones, the delicate ones separately from the heavy ones, and the soiled ones separately as well. Avoid using chlorine bleach while soaking as different fabrics react to it differently. Do not soak leather for more than an hour to prevent discolouration. Soak the entire clothes for a better result, and not a part of the clothes. Avoid soaking multicoloured clothes or clothes that are colour-fast.
While using the washing machine, few things you must keep in a list of don’ts. Do not overload your machine, do not use too little or too much detergent while washing, do not stick to the same cycles and settings of your washing machine, do not forget to flush out the dispensers, and do not forget replacing the rubber hoses with braided ones. This is how you can keep your machine working happily for you and keep your whites nice and bright, and colours and dark colours vibrant.

How to deal with mud and food stains on kids’ clothes? How to use washing machine effectively? How to sort laundry before washing clothes? Discuss here.

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Dhwani.9 years ago
Today moms and especially working moms cannot survive without washing machine. Thanks for these nice basic washing machine tips.
Mariam.9 years ago
I never buy light coloured clothes for my kids. It is very difficult to wash light coloured or bright coloured clothes of kids.
Riya.9 years ago
Washing machines do not help when it comes to the removal of stain. We need to brush hard to get rid of stains.
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