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Child's Healthcare Topics..




While a headache is ordinarily not a life-threatening condition, a migraine is not a headache that you can just ignore and hope that it will go away. It can incapacitate you enough that you may have to put your life on. So how do you know whether you have a migraine or just any old headache? Read on.

Have you ever had one of those days when your head aches so badly that you can't see straight? While a headache is ordinarily not a life-threatening condition, a migraine is not a headache that you can just ignore and hope that it will go away. It can incapacitate you enough that you may have to put your life on hold till the migraine demon decides to release you from his vise-like grip. There are dismal statistics that indicate that migraines are quite common. 25-30% of women and 15-20% of men occasionally get migraines. So how do you know whether you have a migraine or just any old headache?

Tension headaches vs. Migraines

Headaches generally fall into two basic categories: tension headaches and migraine headaches. A tension headache manifests itself as a band of pain around the head. The pain can spread to the neck and back. These headaches are caused by the contraction of neck and facial muscles and are aggravated by dental problems, bad posture and eye strain.

A migraine is an intense throbbing pain that often begins on one side of the head and then spreads throughout the face and head. In severe cases, a migraine can last for several days and is sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or a blocked nose. A migraine can occur once a year or as often as several times a week. A person suffering from migraine may occasionally exhibit additional symptoms such as: irritability, blurred vision, visions of bright flashing lights, and signs of neurological deficits like temporary weakness, speech difficulty, dizziness and imbalance. However, these additional symptoms are not very common.

What are the causes of a migraine?

Doctors have been unable to pinpoint the exact cause for migraines. Some of them believe that migraines can be triggered by changes in hormonal levels. This would probably explain why migraines occur more frequently in women before, during and after menstruation. Birth control pills have also been known to increase the severity of migraines in women who tend to suffer from these headaches.

Some people link the incidence of their migraine attacks to particular drugs, food or additives. Based on the hypothesis that migraines are the result of vasodilation (expansion of the blood vessels), substances that act as agents of vasodilation could bring on a migraine attack. For instance, alcohol is a known vasodilator. Other substances that have been identified as causing migraines are: chocolate, excessive caffeine, citrus fruits, nitrates in cold cuts and hot dogs, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) used most often in Chinese food. Stress has been linked to the occurrence of migraines, but it is not a direct cause-effect relationship because some people get migraines more often on vacations and weekends. However, anxiety is definitely a factor for people who have migraine attacks more than twice a week.

Is there a cure?

Most people who have a migraine attack take medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen that give them a measure of relief. If these are not effective, the doctor can prescribe drugs that contain an ergot preparation that has the effect of constricting the blood vessels. Doctors may also prescribe preventive drugs for people that have frequent and severe migraine attacks. However, these drugs have their limitations and may not be effective all of the time.

Precautionary measures

A person who is prone to getting migraines can take a few steps to alleviate his pain. If you feel a migraine coming on, you should lie down in a quiet, darkened room and try to take a short nap. Try to avoid stressful situations and learn to relax. Maintain regular sleeping habits. Avoid foods and other substances in your diet if you know that they cause migraines.

While there a few measures you can take to pre-empt the onset of a migraine or to alleviate the pain of a migraine attack, they may not always be effective. Unfortunately, for people prone to migraines, often the only thing to do is to bear it.

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Dr.Amol Chate
Dr.Amol Chate.9 years ago
I am a homoeopathic consultant
and given homoeopathic treatment for so many migraine patients with miraculous result abt 95% of my patients get relief from migraine attacks.
Plz contact me:-
.10 years ago
I see several comments and questions on Vasograin - so let me share my experience. I also started gatting migraine when I was 15 and frequency of Vasograin increased to nearly 3 to 4 tablets in a week by age of 40. Now, I get so severe headaches which will never go and I had to be admitted in serious condition to hospital. There, Neurophysician did MRI/CT Scan and then found all side effects of Vasograin. It gives you some relief in immediate term, but increases your likelyhood of getting it at higher frequency. So, dont take it so often and meet Neurophysician. Like in my case, I have been advised to stop it completely and use only Crocin or take Sibelium for long-term treatment. I have already met 4 Neurophysicians and all advised of Sibelium. So, please avoid self medication and especially Vasograin which has very high side effects.
siddhika.11 years ago
my boyfriend is suffering from migraine and i cant c him like this .. is there any ayuvetic medicine which any1 can recommend as doctors medicines are not helpful
Gingsova.11 years ago
Hi everybody,
I have found that there is not any permanant cure in allopathy for migraine. My son was suffering from Migraine for 15 years as nothing worked for him. He finally
used a herbal oil which he got at
herbal41atyahoodotcom. Now he is completely free from migraine since last one year.Those who wish to try it can do so.
.11 years ago

My wife suffers from Migraine since ages.
We tried Homeopathy, but it dint work.
Will try Ayurveda in coming days, someone referred a very famous Vaid near sarai kale khan.
Just to share my experience, i messaged My wife back & legs whenever she has a bad Migraine & it provides immense relief to her. It does not take away her headache all the time, but majorly lessens the pain, nine out of 10 times.
No technique, just normal massage for around 20 min, more attention to lower back, legs below knees & gentle massage on complete sole.
beth.14 years ago
my child's vision was blurry for a month following a migraine and had to see an eye doc. now she's having problems in school
saroja.14 years ago
i used to get migraine headaches nearly 2 to 3 times in a week . now from nearly 3 months i am taking homeopathy medicine which has considerably reduced my migraines. now i get once or twice in a month.
VK JAIN.14 years ago
i had migraine cluster type just above the right eye-brow and its severity was felt around 12-2pm daily. despite taking prescribed medicine, the effect was not observed. however, i applied the treatment of gemstone therapy, the severity of pain started decreasing rapidly and a complelete relief within one month time.
Richie.14 years ago
i've found out through personal experience and researching through various other sources that the cause (not trigger) of migraines is lactose intolerance in certain individuals. remove the lactose via lactose enzymes (lactaid) or abstinance and the trigger-foods won't trigger a migraine!

heated lactose, such as in coffee, tea, and soups seems to almost always trigger a migraine in me.

but be wary because lactose is in so so many foods!

- richie
rajni.14 years ago
i used to get migraine headachesnearly 3 or4 times in a that time idont know what to do.but know i am pregnant doctor have given me the i got relief from the medicine.but its better to go for some homeo pathic medicine or some accupressure.
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