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You are here : home > Autism in Children > What is Autism? > Warning Signs of Autism in Children

Warning Signs of Autism in Children

Early diagnosis and intervention can help children deal with autism effectively. Read on to learn about the warning signs of autism in small babies, toddlers and older children.
It is natural for you as a parent to be sceptical of any problem that your little angel may be born with. However, as far as autism is concerned; the earlier the problem is detected the better it is for your kid. If you can manage to detect autism by the age of 18 months there is a big chance that you can get all the symptomatic manifestations treated. The correct treatment can help your precious child grow and thrive so concentrate on detecting this condition fast.

What is Autism?

Many people do not know that Autism is not a specific disorder but a range of closely linked disorders with similar type of symptoms. The Autism spectral disorders appear in early childhood and cause stumbling blocks in several developmental areas. While some kids exhibit only mild signs in others the effect of the problem is more pronounced.
Generally the symptoms of Autism are exhibited in the following areas. The child has problems in verbal and non verbal communication. The child can have issues in interpreting the external world. The kid can have problems in behaving and thinking in flexible ways. Whatever the area of concern might be, early intervention always helps.

Early Signs of Autism

The following are the early signs of autism in babies and infants:
  • The child does not make eye contact while being fed
  • The child does not smile back
  • The child shows no response to familiar sounds
  • The child does not visually follow objects
  • Inability to imitate body movements and facial contortions
  • Inability to share interest in toys
  • Inability to make basic requests
  • Non responsive action to cuddles and hugs
  • No attempt to make noises to attract attention

Warning Signs by the Age of 6 months

There are several types of delays that warrant instant evaluation by a paediatrician. Look out for the following warning signs.
  • Your kid does not give you any happy expressions or big smiles even by the age of 6 months
  • By 9 months your kid is not able to rock back and forth or show facial expressions
  • By the age of one year the child is unable to respond to his or her name being called out.
  • The child is not able to show gestures like waving, reaching out, pointing towards objects
  • By 24 months your kid is not able to utter even two word phrases.

Signs of Autism in Older Children

In case you have not been able to detect Autism in early childhood then watch out for these signs in the later stage of development. An autistic kid shows stronger signs as and when he or she grows older and these signs are quite prominent. Look out for the following warning signs:
  • The child prefers not to be touched or held
  • The child cannot make contact with others and is unable to make friends
  • There is substantial difficulty in talking about feelings
  • There is no shared interest like drawing, music etc
  • Toys are not used in creative ways and there is an aversion to group games
  • The tone of voice is unnatural with strange pitch
  • Response to question occurs by repetition
  • Communicating needs and desires is difficult
  • Understanding directions is difficult

Corrective Action

If you are confused about whether your kid is autistic or not you can arrange for an autism screening. You can also see a developmental child specialist who will conduct a battery of tests. Try seeking medical intervention at the earliest and remember that 80% of Autistic kids can lead happy lives with the correct kind of help. It is especially necessary for you to be a source of support for your kid at this difficult time.
With proper help and knowledge you will be able to help your child fight the autism battle successfully.

How to detect autism in children? Is it possible to prevent autism in children? What kinds of treatments are available for autistic children? Discuss here.

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Manthan.9 years ago
Parental support is very important to help children deal with autism.
Krishna.9 years ago
Can autism develop later in life or it is developed during the infancy itself.
Pooja.9 years ago
Now it is possible to detect autism in the womb so it can really help to take right corrective measures.
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