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Role of Fathers in Raising Daughters

Role of Fathers in Raising Daughters
Role of fathers is as important as the role of mothers in the upbringing of a daughter. Have a quick look at the important roles of fathers in raising a daughter.

Fathers have a very important role in shaping their daughters’ future, though their role is mostly underestimated, as often they are not sure how effective they can be as parents, especially when their daughters reach their teens. Though fathers do not have their first-hand experience in handling the intensities and complexities of girlhood, still their role in raising daughters is eminent.

Spend Quality Time with Her

The most important role of being a father is to spend quality time with your daughter. No matter how much busy you are with your work, you must take some time out meant only for talking with your daughter. Whether it is post-work time or a dinner-table conversation, you must discuss with your daughter about her passions, about how her day was, what does she feel about certain topics related or unrelated to her, etc. Do not get overprotective or judgmental when you are carrying such discussions. Listen to what she says and share your views on it.

Avoid Treating Her like a Baby Girl

Your daughter is no less than a son – so stop treating her like a baby girl even when she has grown up. Many fathers have the tendency to be overprotective and possessive about their daughters – this gesture of treating your daughter as a helpless little girl can leave a wrong message to her. This may prevent her to feel that she can be an independent lady. Do not treat her as a damsel in distress, instead encourage her to voice her own opinion, make decisions, and act accordingly.

Do Not Differentiate Genders

Have faith on your daughter and encourage her to chase her dreams. If you can make her believe that she can do anything she wants to be, whether an astronaut or an air hostess or an athlete or may be a home-maker or a pilot when she grows up, breaking all gender stereotypes, then it will help her to stay motivated. Teach her to cut grass, lend your hand with her in the housework, teach her how to drive, or coach her how to play football or any game she is interested in, etc. These small steps would help her gain huge potential and confidence in her future endeavors.

Teach Her Gender Equality

It is not enough if you break all gender stereotypes, you have to teach your daughter the same. In today’s society where still patriarchy exists, you have to stand out differently and teach your daughter about the equality between males and females. Show her that equality and respect between two genders is not any exception, but it is the norm. This will directly impact your daughter’s sense of being a woman and how she should expect to be treated by men.

Motivate Her to Be Physically Strong

Guide your daughter how to be physically strong. Appreciate physically fit women in front of her to encourage her to be strong too. Be honest to the dangers of today’s world and teach her or enroll her in self-defense classes. Personal safety is highly important for daughters and you must guide her for the same. Teach her to solve problems by herself rather than solving problems for her.
Your affirmation and unconditional love can directly impact your daughter’s self-esteem. Whether it is through word or through a simple gesture of warm hug or kiss on cheek, you must make sure that you convey this message to her every day that you love her unconditionally. She needs to know how much you value her and that you support her ability and desire to discover herself uniquely. Your role is as important as her mom’s role is, so do not underestimate your role and be always there for your girl.

What are the important roles of a father in raising a daughter? Is mother’s role more crucial than a father‘s role while raising a daughter? How can fathers strengthen their bonding with their daughters? Discuss here.

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Ranjini.9 years ago
Role of fathers should be same for a daughter as well as for son. The most important thing is that fathers should also be actively involved with mothers in raising children.
Riya.9 years ago
Role of fathers is extremely important ... father is a great support system and a guide for a daughter.
Dhwani.9 years ago
The role of fathers is extremely important in the upbringing of a father. Every girl wants to see the qualities of her father in her husband so fathers should set right examples.
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