Parents must inculcate values like trustworthiness in their children. Such values will help them a lot in their personal as well as professional life. Let us take a look at some tips for raising trustworthy children.We are all looking for that one person in whom we can place our trust but it has emerged to be a difficult task in this world where more and more people are turning out to be unreliable. You would not want this for your child, right? If all you parents out there think the same and act to raise a trustworthy child, the need for desperately searching for one will soon be over.
No kid is born with ideas of deceit, dishonesty or untruthfulness and it is your responsibility to keep it so. Raising a child who can be trusted is important both for your kid and the people in his or her life.
Be an Example
Your child has the inherent nature of picking up things you do. Ask yourself, ‘Am I displaying a character of trustworthiness?’ If the answer is ‘no’ then you need to change and change fast. You cannot lie yourself and expect your kid to be
Nowadays, we tend to speak lies without even realizing. You are on your way home from the supermarket and will easily take a good 30 minutes to reach your house. Meanwhile, your kid calls and you tell him or her that you will be there in another 5 minutes. Its not a harmful lie you think but imagine when your kid is 16 and returning from a dinner late night at 10:30 p.m. and does the same. Would you like it? Be the kind of person you want your child to be!
Value Lessons
Every school has moral science or
value education classes that help shape your kids into better human beings but all cannot be left on them; you need to take your own initiative as well.
You do not need to sit down with your kid and give him or her lessons on the meaning and importance of
trust. All you need to do is interact with him or her in diverse ways. Read a book or watch a movie together that brings forth this trait in the most unexpected manner, inspiring your child to imbibe these qualities in him or her.
Give them Responsibilities
First hand experience is the best way to learn! Entrust your child with some tasks, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. Create a sense of responsibility in him or her. Educate the child about putting his or her best foot forward while performing the task. Once a kid knows that you trust him or her with such tasks, he or she only grows to become more
responsible, sincere and honest. True to their work and true to you.
Be Prepared for Mistakes
Your kid is only a human at the end of the day and bound to make mistakes. When you find him or her at fault it is imperative that you keep your cool. If you shout too much or give them harsh punishments for minor faults, they will distance themselves from you and develop a tendency to lie their way out of such situations.
Trust Them
You want people to trust your kid? Trust them yourself first. Sometimes, as a parent you tend to get involved a little too much in your kid’s lifestyle. With every passing year there are things you need to stop poking your nose into and trust your kid with the same. If your daughter comes and tells you she is going out for lunch with her school friends, do not ask too many questions instead tell her to have a fine and enjoyable afternoon. She herself will fill you in with all the details about her plans.
Raising a trustworthy child is not as challenging as you may have thought it was. It is about the little things you do as a parent to help your kid understand the beauty of being someone who everyone trusts. In the long run, your child will also find people he or she can trust; after all, what goes around comes around.
What is the right age to teach values to children? How to inculcate the values like trustworthiness in children? Why is it important to cultivate trustworthiness in children? Discuss here.