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How to Boost Intellectual Development of Children

How to Boost Intellectual Development of Children
Providing right kind of stimulation to a child’s brain is essential to boost his or her intellectual development. Let us take a look at some techniques to boost intellectual development of children.
While many doctors and psychiatrists agree that intelligence is an inborn fixed trait almost every specialist agrees on the fact that intellectual capacity can be boosted with some techniques. The performance of a child on the intellectual level can be enhanced by timely intervention by parents and caregivers. Here are some ways in which this could happen.

Teach Positive Internal Communication

It is possible to take oneself into a positive mode by practicing positive internal communication. Kids are especially receptive to self motivation as they are sensitive and have an intense connection between the body and mind.
Teach your kid to practice speaking positive thoughts out aloud to his or her image in the mirror. Sentences like “I will try putting my best performance and will not be scared of the result” and “I have put in a lot of effort to prepare for the test and I should definitely do well” infuse the mind with a positive spirit and automatically boost performance.

Practicing Breathing Exercise

One great way of enhancing the mental process of children is to teach them to practice breathing exercise. Taking deep breaths and holding the breath for 3 seconds prior to controlled and full exhalation is a good way to reduce stress and anxiety. Oxygen flow to the brain is enhanced when deep breaths are taken and this in turn boosts memory, analytical skills, and the power to concentrate.
You can start off by asking your kid to count till 5 when drawing the breath in and then again counting till 5 when exhaling. This breathing cycle should be repeated at least 6 times and this routine should be specially repeated before any stressful situation.

Performing Mental Exercise

Playing games sharpen the mind and hone the strategy formulating skills while increasing up the power of concentration and reasoning. There are many games that you can introduce your child to in order to boost the instinctual faculties. Solving crossword puzzles, playing scrabble and chess and encoding cryptograms are some great games that you can encourage your little one to indulge in. Word jumbles, Math’s puzzle and checkers are some other great options for boosting intellectual development.

Increase Exposure to Verbal Interactions

One valid way of enhancing the verbal and communication skills of your child is to increase his or her exposure to verbal interactions. A large percentage of the vocabulary development and speech skills are imbibed between the ages of 15 to 27 month when the kid rapidly learns language from the surrounding environment.
Start talking to your kid from a very early age and make sure that there is a lot of variety of topics on which you can converse. Some topics you can start off with are past holidays, friends at school, hobbies, favourite food etc. slowly your kid will learn to respond to a wide range of questions and this will enrich his or her quality of life.

Boost the Blood Circulation

Exercise not only strengthens the muscles, it boosts blood supply to the brain. When the brain is pumped full of rich oxygenated blood the thinking power and reasoning skills are improved. The mental concentration and energy of the intellect is also stimulated. Negative thoughts are chased away and the brain releases a bunch of positive hormones that stimulate the intellectual capacity. Inspire your kid to exercise at least 60 minutes per day on most days of the week. Encourage participation in outdoor games as the health of the body is tied up to the health of the mind.
With some structured discipline and adherence to some tips it is entirely possible to boost the intellectual development of children.

Why is it necessary to provide right kind of stimulation to child’s brain during early childhood? Is it possible to boost intellectual development of children? What are the simple ways to boost intellectual development of children? Discuss here.

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Abhishek.9 years ago
Games and activities can help a lot in boosting intelligence of child.
Riya.9 years ago
Building positive environment at home is important to boost intellectual development of children.
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