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Top 5 Reasons Why Children Get Spoiled

Top 5 Reasons Why Children Get Spoiled

Too much pampering and overprotecting the child can make him or her grow-up into a brat. Let us take a look at the top 5 reasons why children get spoiled.
In most cases, children act as an anchor for parents which make them remain glued to earth. New mommies and daddies see their children as the centre of their universe and as a result, they tend to tread the path of apparent love and affection which ultimately ends into spoiling of the children. Not only over attention of parents but there are other factors that play a major role in the spoiling of a kid,

Reasons Why Children Get Spoiled

Take a quick look at the 5 reasons why children get spoiled.

1) Parental Influence

Parents have a habit of treating their children as much younger than they actually are. Over indulgence often leads to the child’s faulty personality development, A child must be taught to handle rejection and disappointment of not getting something, If parents make it a point to give them everything that they set their eyes on, then often the children grow up to be discontent in life.
As adults, the feeling of dejection and incompleteness sets in too soon after stepping out of under the umbrella held by parents. It becomes next to impossible for kids like this to cope with the real world where nobody looks out for a third party other than one self. Right amount of love and affection at the right time helps the child from getting spoiled.

2) Material Things

An easy substitute for quality family time is the brand new launched products in the market. Setting your kid free with your plastic card in a shopping mall is the key reason why children get spoiled. They feel as if the world is at their feet. Such financial liberty takes away their chance of learning the value of money and every little thing that they own.
The pleasure of creating or making something on their own is a feeling they get completely barred from and as a result they grow up to be highly dependent on parents both emotionally and financially.

3) Social Circle

The social quotient of individuals has become an intrinsic property of our lives. Even toddlers tend to have close friends whom they like to go on a stroll with. Naturally, school going kids start to form groups of friends who are likely to match up to their wavelength.
It goes without saying that friends leave a deep impression in our lives. The kind of friends the children make mould their personality and mentality to a great extent and more than often, the friends turn out to be the prime agent of spoiling a child.
Often lifestyle and culture varies from household to household and children have a habit of imitating blindly that of their friends. Being forbidden to do so, they most likely throw tantrums and whine about how they wish to have been born into other, apparently cool families which becomes very difficult to digest for the parents.

4) Too Many Restrictions

Some parents believe that drawing too many lines around their children will help them to grow into ideal adults. More often it is seen that the children who are dominated and entirely controlled by their parents tend to become absolutely reckless as when they finally manage to free themselves from the shackles of forced obedience, they do not know what to make of their newly found freedom and are disillusioned about what is right and wrong.

5) Over Infliction of Violence

Though it is believed ‘Spare the rod, spoil the child’ which means if you do not beat up the child you will end up spoiling him or her, the quote does not hold much value in today’s world. Too much physical abuse, though it is for the child’s own good in the long run, often prove to be harmful otherwise and result in generation of highly negative emotions like stubbornness, grudge and violence in the child. If parents fail to respect the child it is inevitable that they would not get any respect back from the child.
The above points give you a clear insight to the way this generation smart kids are to be handled. Time immemorial methods of raising a child is to be filtered and practical approach must be taken while guiding your child. Nothing can be as blissful as witnessing your child growing up to be a good human. Happy Parenting!

Why do children get spoiled? How to prevent children from getting spoiled? What are the ways to deal with a spoiled child? Discuss here.

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Sonia.7 years ago
Too much of freedom or too many restrictions can also give rise to spoiled behavior in children. Children need to grow in adequate love and care along wtih right discipline.
Ishika.7 years ago
Spoiled behaviour of children should not be overlooked by parents.
Kanchi.7 years ago
The environment in which children are raised is mainly responsible for the spoiled behavior.
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