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Things Parents Should Know about Child's Needs

Things Parents Should Know about Child's Needs

Along with basic things, kids need love, care and warmth which they certainly expect from their parents. Read on to learn about the things parents should know about children’s needs so that they know that their needs are met.

As a parent you must be trying your best to give your children the best in everything. The main reason is that by giving what our children need or what they expect from us, we help them become strong, be safe and succeed in life. Along with this, there are certain aspects that you can take care of so that your children, for whom you care, feel loved and secure.

Children’s Needs Parents Should Know

Here is what parents should know about child’s needs.

1. To Feel Loved

Expressing love through hugs and cuddles help children feel protected and reassures them. It is always good to show your love to your children and this you can do by hugging them, holding them, making them sit on your laps, kissing them and by simply picking them up as soon as you enter the house.
Spending time and showing love to babies and toddlers is easy. You can simply tickle them or bounce them on your knees or play simple games and have lots of fun. However, as far as older children are concerned they need lots of attention so that you can remind them that you care for them.
Remember, if you are not brought up in an environment where your parents showered lots of love on you, you might feel awkward doing this. But, the more you will do, more comfortable you will feel.

2. To Feel Secure

Children who feel safe and secure are happy and stress-free. They learn to trust other people and they become capable of enjoying life in much better way, children who feel safe and secure grow up healthy, happy and they live their life at the fullest.
You can make your kids feel safe by fulfilling their basic needs as well as by showing them that you love them and they are special for you.

3. To Feel Valuable

Children need support from their parents in form of words and activities so that their self-esteem is developed and they get their confidence increased. This helps them feel valued and respected. This further helps them make an identity of their own and they begin to develop an awareness of the world around them. Give your kids time, love and respect they deserve.

4. To Feel Caring Limits

Small children also sometimes do not like the over-caring nature of their parents. Everyone needs love, care and some space to develop and thrive. On the other hand since they are kids and you are raising them, you should make them aware of the fact and do not consider them at your own level. Some kids require stricter guidance and limitations while some get along with some independence. Find out the personality of each of your kid and then decide the caring limits.

5. To Feel They Can Succeed At Some Things

As a parent you should allow your children to pursue their own interests and let them try something that you have never tried before especially if you find that they are talented and have interest in that specific field. If you will support and encourage them, their confidence will get doubled and they would be able to do things that might seem difficult as well.

6. To Feel That They Can Contribute And Help

Children always want to help their parents in one way or another. Allow your kids to help you no matter whether it is one of the household chores or making changes in the décor. They feel valued and also special. Kids will start understanding their position in family as well.

7. To Have Opportunities To Explore And Have New Things

You should encourage and support exploration. You can share your passions with them but if they have a different field of interest, support them to pursue that. Help your children see what her field of interest is and then let her decide whether she would like to proceed in that field or not. By making her see different things you will come to know what draws her attention the most and then help her explore her interests. Avoid bringing your own biases and judgements and free the future generations from any old voices.
Each parent’s journey is different and so is each child’s. As a parent you simply need to help your children grow as adults having strong sense of self. They should be capable of knowing who they are as well as feel confident about being in the world. The above tips will help you create strong parent-child communication, respect and positive relationship for years to come. With this you will be able to help your child grow as a more confident person in future.

What do children expect from parents? Is it alright to fulfil each and every demand of children? What are the emotional needs of children? Discuss here.

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Preeti.9 years ago
Along with the basic needs of children they also need opportunity to excel in their desired field.
Dhwani.9 years ago
Children should feel loved and cared so parents must also shower their love and attention to children which is the most important need of children.
Hetal.9 years ago
It is very important to meet the emotional needs of children.
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