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Polio Vaccination - Things You Must Know

Polio Vaccination - Things You Must Know
Polio is a dreadful disease that can cause harm to nerve cells in spinal cord which can lead to paralysis and muscle wasting. Therefore, it is a must to give polio vaccinations to babies and children as per the prescribed schedule to protect them for this disorder. Read on to know more.
Polio is basically a type of communicable disease which is caused due to the poliomyelitis virus. This virus, commonly known as polio virus, is found in the throat and the intestinal tract. When a person comes in contact with the stool of an already infected patient, the virus affects him or her. The virus can also spread through nasal secretions. When a person gets infected with polio virus, it takes almost 20 days to a month to show the symptoms of the disease.

Who needs polio vaccination and when do they need it?

The IPV (Inactivated Polio Vaccine) and the OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) are the two basic types of polio vaccines. Since 2000, in the US, only IPV is being used, however, OPV is very common in the other parts of the globe till date.
It is a must for the newborn babies to get a polio vaccine. This way, they can be kept away from the polio viruses which might affect them any day. Usually, this vaccine is given in three different dosages, i.e. in 6th, 10th and the 14th week. This vaccination produces antibodies in the kids which protects them against the poliomyelitis virus.
IPV is given on the arms or legs of the patient with an injection shot, depending upon their age group. Children should be given IPV at the age of:
  • 6 weeks
  • 10 weeks
  • 14 to 18 weeks
  • A booster dosage at 12 to 18 months
OPV is given orally to the children at the following ages:
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
  • 4 to 6 years
OPV vaccinations are also given to children below 5 years of age through the Pulse Polio campaign run by Government of India for the complete eradication of this disease.
As an adult, you will not need a vaccine as most likely you have already got it in your childhood. However, there are three groups of adults who need to get polio vaccination as there are high chances of attracting the virus in their body. They are:
  • If you are going to a place where there is a high risk of polio, i.e. polio-endemic places.
  • If you are a doctor or a pathologist and hence need to be surrounded with different types of specimens in the lab.
  • If you ever get in touch with a patient of polio and feel unsafe after that.

Side effects of polio vaccination, if any

The children who get IPV oftentimes find a sore spot near the place where the vaccine shot has been given. These days, there is no such complaint from the patients who get vaccinated with IPV or OPV. Although a vaccine may cause serious health issues like fever, nausea, allergies, etc, the polio vaccination is otherwise safe.

Things to consider before and after your child gets a polio vaccine

  • Make sure that you are taking your child to the right place for the vaccine.
  • If it is an IPV, make sure that the doctor is using a new needle for injection after every shot he or she gives to the kids.
  • You must clean the arm or the leg of your kid properly with disinfectant before he or she gets vaccinated.
  • After taking the vaccine shot, if your kid’s vaccine spot is red or if he or she gets a pimple there, do not use any kind of powder or ointment without asking the doctor.
  • If your child is ill, wait for him or her to get fully healthy before going for a polio vaccine. Vaccinating him or her when he or she is not well can prove to be risky in the long run.

Who should never get a polio vaccine?

A kid who has already suffered from a severe allergic disease or any kind of reactions of that sort is not at all eligible for a polio vaccination. Also, if your kid is allergic to antibiotics like streptomycin, neomycin or polymyxin B, he or she should not be given a polio vaccine ever.
You must follow your paediatrician advice follow a schedule prescribed him or her for getting your child vaccinated. Get alerts when your child is due for vaccination by signing up for our Vaccination Reminder.

What is the schedule for giving polio vaccinations to babies? Why is it important to give polio vaccinations to children? What can be done if a polio vaccination is missed? Discuss here.

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Barkha.6 years ago
It is very important to keep track of the vaccination schedule of children to gift them a healthy life.
Ishika.6 years ago
Polio can spoil the life of children. Therefore, it is a must to vaccinate them against it.
Dhyaan.6 years ago
Polio vaccination is the very important vaccination that must be given to children without fail. We should also take part in the Pulse Polio campaign by Government to eradicate polio completely.
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