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Child's Healthcare Topics..


Ear Problems

Ear Problems

Let us take a look at the common ear problems in children, their causes and symptoms and some information on combating these issues.


If your child has fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, and loss of appetite for no apparent reason and is tugging at her ear, she probably has an ear infection.

Glue Ear

If the middle ear infection gets aggravated, it may result in condition known as glue ear. In this condition ear gets filled with a thick fluid. A minor operation is needed in order to get rid of this condition. The fluid is drained from the ear by using a tube called grommet. This condition is mainly prevalent in younger children.

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is caused mainly due to ear infection. Children are unable to hear as result of the discharge in ear caused due to infection. This fluid in ear makes it difficult for children to hear. This kind of hearing impairment in children is temporary and it can be corrected by treating the ear infection.

Ear Wax Problem

Children can also cope with hearing loss due to the blockage of ear wax in their ears. If you notice that too much of ear wax is blocked in your child’s ears, do not try to remove it by yourself or put anything in your child’s ears. You must take your child to the doctor. Your doctor may remove the ear wax from your child’s ears by following a suitable treatment.

Causes of Ear Infection in Children

Otitis media or inflammation of the middle ear is a very common childhood ailment. A baby spends most of her time lying down. This gives ample opportunity for bacteria to travel from her nose and throat to the ear. Consequently, the mucous membranes of the Eustachian tubes (that link the middle ear to the back of the throat) become blocked and inflamed, trapping the bacteria in the middle ear where they multiply.

How is Ear Infection in Children Treated?

If you suspect that your baby has an ear infection, call the doctor. Never put anything in your baby's ear or apply hot compresses to the outside of the ear. Leave the treatment to the doctor. He will probably prescribe antibiotics to combat the infection and nose drops to treat the blockage in the Eustachian tubes. Visiting an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist is the best option to be considered in this case.

How to Prevent Ear Problems in Children?

Here are some tips which parents can follow to prevent ear problems in children.
  • Make sure that your children do not come in contact with other infected children.
  • Get your child vaccinated with appropriate vaccination on time.
  • Make sure that you do not let illnesses like cold and throat problems aggravate and treat them immediately with the help of your doctor.
  • Avoid smoking in front of children. Children who are exposed to smoke are more susceptible to ear infections.
  • It is also marked that ear problems are common in bottle-fed babies. So make sure that you bottle-fed your baby only if breastfeeding is not possible at all.
In addition to the above preventive measures, you must make sure that you do not put anything in the ears of your child. Do not put things like oil etc; in your child’s ears which can aggravate the existing problems or cause any other kind of ear problem in your child. Be very careful while cleaning your child’s ears. Do not put ear buds in your child’s ears in order to avoid the risk of causing harm to the child’s ear drums. If your child is facing any kind of ear problem, contact your doctor immediately.

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Haritha.10 years ago
can we use otina ear drops without prescription from the doctor
worried mom
worried mom.10 years ago
it would be great if i could afford to take my child to the doctor every time she has a problem, but my husband has recently lost his job due to the economy and alas we have no insurance. the last time i took her to the doctor for an ear ache it cost me $220.00 for the doctor and the medicine. it is a sad state that peple in the 21st century are forced to rely on "old home remedies".
fluid behind the ear
what can i do about having fluid behind the ear and the doctor says it has to take its course what can i do at home to help it
Ria.10 years ago
for a earache i read in another home remedie page you can put 1-2 drops of olive oil in the ear that is hurting on your child and i tried it on my 4 year old and it really worked and by the time the doctors office could get me in her pain was gone.the doc.said it looked like she had a earach it was a little red but mostly gone.
daniels.10 years ago
i did not know about the otina drops. thank you.
Health Detective
Health Detective.10 years ago
massage the ring finger of each hand especially the tips for 1 to 3 minutes each day. helps eliminate ear-aches and restores hearing. go gentle on kid's hands.
roshan.10 years ago
my child have ear atchies, it becomes well when antibiotic used, but starts again what do do.
lora.10 years ago
how do you know when a newborn has a earach?
Gipson.10 years ago
my ear nerves are week i can't hear people talking soft is there any medicine for?
Esme.10 years ago
my sister who is in her fifties has a problematic ear problem. she felt something crawling in her ears & at times even biting her. the itch is intolerable. she has gone for cat scan and even gone to the ear specialist but to no avail. she even put in drops of olive oil & that does not help too. even the strongest antibiotic give her only temporary relieve.
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