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Confidence Building Tools

Confidence Building Tools

Here's what your child can do to cope with moment of self-doubt, and increase his self-confidence. A comprehensive guide to build confidence in your child.

There will be periods in your child's life when he realizes that perhaps he could do with gaining a little more confidence. Although you as a parent will do all you can to make your child confident and sure of himself, there may be moments of self-doubt. Teach your child what he can do to cope with these moments, and how he can increase his confidence levels.

Feel good

When your child is feeling a little down and out, it is very important that she dress well, to lift her spirits. The 'feel good' factor plays a major role in this, which is why some people feel good about themselves when they wear something new, or when they wear branded clothes. Just like wearing branded clothes can make you feel better about yourself, so also, wearing something torn or stained can make you feel more conscious and uncomfortable. This is why, if you go to a party wearing something stained, and hope that the stain is invisible in the light or that you have covered it with your bag, you will not be at your best or most impressive. So, teach your child the importance of being well groomed.
Not only will others take you more seriously, but you will also take yourself more seriously. On the other hand, if you make your child dress in a mediocre fashion, your child may develop a lower sense of self-worth.

Stay within budget

Of course, there is no point in spending more than you can afford, but you should spend within your budget, and buy the best you can afford without overextending yourself.

Be particular

So also, if your child's clothes rip, teach him that he should either get it stitched or darned immediately, or not wear it until he does so. There is no point in him wearing something torn, and hoping no body notices the tear.
How many of us have faced situations where when we are conversing with someone we hope he doesn't notice the faded collar on our t-shirt, the hair on our chin, the ill-fitted dress, the bad watch strap, and so on. Needless to say, such a conversation will not be one in which you are completely at ease, or have very high confidence in yourself. With all the stress laid on increasing your child's confidence, all the activities you will no doubt encourage your child to take up, it seems a shame to neglect the very basic things that can bring your child's confidence plummeting down.
Go to any public spot and take a good look around you. Certain people will catch your eye, while others will not. A few people are strikingly beautiful, while fewer still are uncommonly ugly. Most people can look attractive if they make an effort to do so. The person who catches your eye will be someone who dresses and walks well - it is only after giving a second or third look that you will really start observing the features of the person. Often, when you look at most people, you will need to observe them for a while before coming to any conclusions with regard to whether they have a pretty face or not. This is because what first strikes you about a person is his demeanour, and not the face. So, teach your daughters that it doesn't matter if their shirt is not that expensive - it should be well ironed and crisp. Similarly, it doesn't matter if your son's shoes are not very trendy - they should be polished and in good condition. So when your child looks in the mirror, instead of saying "I don't think my shirt looks too crushed," he should say, "Perfect!"

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tony.14 years ago
this is only about the dressing. what about other things like the child should have well-kempt hair, should take care of personal hygiene, be organised in keeping his things like toys, books etc. neatly. all this contributes to that 'feel good' factor. please do include these in your article.
Bill.14 years ago
all this talks about is dressing up. how is that of any use to anyone. it is one idea that may work once in a while. there needs to be more on this site since you advertise tools, as in more than one. dress fancy, boy that's helpful
avantika.14 years ago
how very shallow. confidence means being able to carry yourself well irrespective of the brand of clothes you wear. teaching a child to wear 'branded within the budget clothes' is not going to make him/her confident. if anything its going to make them concious about physical appearance. helping a child become confident comes from letting them make their mistakes and learning from them, from praising them for their efforts, for showing them right from wrong without criticising them, from letting them know that you give them unconditional love.
prachi.14 years ago
very much helpful thanks
guess what
guess what.14 years ago
first of all i came to this web site to look for advice on how build my childs self esteem. i found it biased that the article only speaks in terms of a male child, female children need help with this issue just as much! also what the hell does dress have to do with self confindence. i bet who ever wrote this article has no creditentials. good gracious stick to your day job!
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