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You are here : home > Child's Healthcare > Childhood illnesses and medical conditions > 10 Steps to Keep all Types of Illnesses Away from Kids

10 Steps to Keep all Types of Illnesses Away from Kids

Illnesses in Kids
With the help of right preventive measures it is possible to make kids fall ill less frequently. Therefore it is essential to take preventive steps to prevent illnesses in kids. Read on find 10 step to keep all types of illnesses away from kids.

Childhood is a vulnerable phase when it comes to illnesses and virus attacks. It has been found that a child below the age of 10 falls sick at least 10 times in a year. As a parent you are distressed every time your kid falls sick. Here is what you can do to keep illnesses away from children,

Get Vaccines

There are battery of free vaccines and immunisation programs offered by the government to prevent the attack of illness in children. There are many immunization programs which help ward off dangerous diseases like polio, hepatitis B, Pox etc. Vaccination and early immunization is one of the best ways to prevent the onset of serious diseases.

Personal Hygiene

Take care to ensure that your kids get a proper bath every day and changes clothes at least twice a day. Young children are especially prone to get dirty and obviously this increases the chances of contracting infection. Changing clothes, daily baths, brushing twice a day are simple habits that help fight germs.

Keeping the Hands Clean

Maintaining good standards of personal hygiene is one of the best ways you can prevent illnesses. Washing hands and eyes is a good way of illness prevention but sadly most kids are averse to soap and water. A hand sanitizer is a good alternative as using it is easier and more effective in killing germs.

Avoid Exposure to Germs

Teach your kids about the benefits of avoiding exposure to germs. Tell them to stay away from other sick children, dirt pits, drains and other possible breeding grounds of germs. Remember that the adage “prevention is better than cure” is absolutely true.

Avoid Sharing Personal Items

Bring your kid his or her own set of toiletries like toothbrush, towel, soap and other essential stuff like crayons, rulers, class supplies. Tell kids that all these things are personal and are not meant to be shared. The risk of contracting illness will automatically be reduced as exchange of items is a potential transfer of germs.

Identify Germ Spots

There are some seemingly safe areas both at school and elsewhere that are actually hubs for germs. The communal water fountain, waste bins and the common trays used in the canteen or cafeteria are some of the most germ populated things. The common tap spigot is another such germ laden object. Teach your kids to avoid these areas.

Clean Off the Schoolbag

The school bag is a place where kids tend to stuff in all their junk and then forget about it. Used tissues, pieces of candy, long abandoned lunch packs are all crammed inside and they invite germs to populate. Whenever your kid reaches home take off the schoolbag and clean it completely to eradicate all such objects.

Strengthen Immunity

There are many ways in which you can strengthen the general immunity of your child. Help him or her get a good night’s sleep and a healthy dose of exercise. Provide a balanced diet and make sure that your kid consumes plenty of Vitamin C. Proper hydration is also a must to build up the immune system.

Sensitise your Kid

Make your child understand the importance of cleanliness. Show videos, adverts and films that stresses on the importance of staying clean and fresh. When your kid understands the importance of cleanliness he or she will try and maintain hygiene organically.

Lead by Example

Stay healthy and clean at all times and inculcate good lifestyle habits. This is one good way of making sure that your child follows your example. A healthy parent has more chances of having a healthy illness free child.
Following these simple tips can help you ward off germs and prevent your kid from falling sick. So make sure that you follow these 10 important steps to the ‘T’.

Why are infants and small children prone to illnesses? How to prevent all types of illnesses away from kids? What are the ways to boost immunity of children? Discuss here.

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Ranjini.9 years ago
Healthy diet, healthy habits and a completely healthy lifestyle is very essential to prevent most of the common illnesses in children.
Hetal.9 years ago
I agree with you, it is very important for parents to follow healthy lifestyle so that kids do the same. Healthy eating and hygienic habits are very important.
Latika.9 years ago
Hygienic habits are very important to prevent all kinds of illnesses in children.
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