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10 Lessons Every Father Should Teach His Son

It is a fact that girls learn everything by watching their mothers and boys learn everything by watching their fathers. And as such certain things can be taught to a girl only by her mother and to boy only by his father. Have a quick look at the lessons every father should teach his son.

It is the father who is the head of the family. He plays the role of an anchor creating an impression and gives direction to the entire family. A son groomed in this way in a perfect family environs can tune himself to accept the responsibility in his later life. At every stage of life the experience of a girl and boy differs slightly. It is the responsibility of both the parents to take care, support and guide their kids whether it is a boy or a girl.
It is a common fact that girls are more close and pampered by father and boys by their mothers. There are certain things that only a mother can or should teach her daughter and only a father should teach his son. Such teaching helps the child to grow in life.

1. Respect Women

Our beautiful Indian culture teaches us to respect women; which works wonders to reform this society. A woman should be cared and loved with due respect. Care, love and respect should be without undue expectations. Every woman deserves to be treated with respect as she always sacrifice her every need and requirement for her kids, husband and family.
So it is very important for every father to teach his son to respect women. This can be started from home itself. If today you teach him to respect his mother, sister and friend, tomorrow he will respect his wife and daughters. To bring this revolutionary change, we need to go a long way cleaning this society. This revolutionary change has to begin at home, schools and colleges.

2. Social Skills

It is very important to teach your son to be social. He needs to live in the society and interact with different kinds of people. If a boy is taught to socialize frequently, he learns to be dignified, refine his language and lay his own rules in life.

3. Soft Behaviour

He should be taught to have a soft behaviour towards family and friends. Boys at teen suddenly become very strong, they must be taught to use their energy at the right time and at the right place. To soothe his instinct he can be put into karate, boxing and few such physical sports.

4. Self-Discipline

Self discipline is very essential for every human being. If not, a man becomes frustrated and useless to himself. Discipline is one of the most important lessons a dad should teach his son. He should instil qualities like working hard, self-learning and facing tough situations with strong determination without giving-up. This character moulding in a son will greatly help him to become strong mentally, emotionally and physically. 5. To Be Strong
Boys face altogether tough and different problems when they live through their childhood to adulthood. It is only father who can teach a son to be strong and face their hardships boldly. If a son is taught his life skills at the right age, he will withstand in tough times and not be over poured and dominated by others in his life. Also, he needs to be taught that he should share his problems and seek necessary help from parents when needed.

6. Choose Right Career Path

To build a boy’s career, a father plays an important role. He can guide his son on the opportunities that are available in the world and help him to choose his right career. As men are more into the outer world and they interact with different kinds of people every day, a father is the best person to guide his son.

7. To Manage Finance

From childhood boys must be taught to use money in a proper way. They should know when, where and how much to spend. Learning cannot happen at the age when he starts earning, it should be taught from the childhood. This is one of the most important talents that a child should learn and he should handle financial matters most efficiently.

9. To Nourish any Hobby or Read Good Book

Men of all ages must have a hobby for themselves; this helps them to keep their mind busy and fresh too. At certain point of time both father and son can enjoy their hobbies. This will also help them to have a good interaction. All the more, it will help them to be away from vices like smoking, drinking, drugs and many such wrong habits.

10. To Deal with Body Changes

Every father should have age-appropriate discussion with his son about the changes taking place in his body during puberty. He should provide right guidance so that he follows good personal hygiene. He should also provide age-appropriate sex education to his son in a right manner. He should never hesitate to answer if his son asks him any sex related or body related query.
It is commonly said that girls observe their mother and sons observe their fathers. Lot of learning happens while living together and through silent observation.
When it comes to father and son, a son observes his father’s behaviour at home, with his mother, with family, with friends and also at work. A child who finds his father behaving dignified can never commit wrong at any stage in his life. So, if you want your child to be good and learn from you, then as a dad first you need to change and set an example for him. No doubt your son will rise to be an idealistic child.

What does a child learns from his or her father? What roles does a father play in an upbringing of a son? Which important lessons should be taught to every son by his father? Discuss here.

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Gaurav.9 years ago
I love my father he is a great man. My dad is an inspiration for me and now I want to be an inspiration for my son. Now I am going to teach same lessons to my son what my dad taught me.
Dhwani.9 years ago
I agree that some lessons can be taught to sons only by fathers
Naina.9 years ago
A very unique relationship exist between father and son.
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