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10 Habits of Happier and Successful Moms

10 Habits of Happier and Successful Moms

Happier moms can raise happier kids. Therefore, it is essential for moms to stay happier and cheerful to take care of kids and family efficiently. Learn about the 10 habits of happier and successful moms.

Parenting is one of the biggest challenges you will be ever exposed to in your life and there is no journal in the world that can adequately prepare you for this role. Motherhood demands a lot physically, emotionally and psychologically and obviously you are doing your best to cope up with its demands. Here are some great tips to help you improve your points as a happier and successful mom.

1. Fulfil your Passions

If you constantly give up everything that you loved for your kids then at one point you will begin to feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled. It is important for a great mom to take care of her personal interests as that is how she can truly be happy. Find out the time to do what you love, for your hobbies or passions and you will be a happier and better mom.

2. Do Not Exhaust Yourself

Do not try so hard that you reach the point of complete physical and mental exhaustion. A martyr cannot be a great mom so do give your mind and body some rest. Go and watch T.V or listen to some music if you feel utterly exhausted. Remember, a tired mom is cranky and that is not good for the kids.

3. Accept the Imperfections

Aiming for perfection all the time will only make you crazy and your kids unhappy. Nobody’s life is perfect and so it is natural that your house will be untidy at times and your kids will disobey you occasionally. A mom who takes these imperfections into her stride is a better and a more balanced mom.

4. Lose the Guilt

Moms are overtly prone to feeling guilty for every little wrong decision or perceived act of neglect. If you keep on feeling guilty about decisions like doing overtime at work or skipping that occasional PTA meeting you will end up ruining your peace of mind. Remember that you are not expected to be perfect as this will make you a more cheerful and happier mom.

5. Cultivate Patience

The most important quality in any mom is patience as handling kids well inevitably needs a lot of this quality. Practice Yoga, do breathing exercises, read self help books; there are so many things that you could do in order to become a more patient mom. A patient mom is inevitably a great mom.

6. Practice Listening

As an adult you must be assuming at times that you know better than your children so active listening does become difficult. However, it is when you step out of your shoes of “problem solver” and “advice giver” to wear “listener” and “empathizer” at times that you can really score brownie points for being a great mom.

7. Incorporate Discipline

In this age of friendly democratic families it is easy to forget this big word that can make a big difference; “discipline”. Remember that you are a mom and not just a friend to your kids. At times incorporate discipline, set limits, make rules and enforce them on your kids. In time your children will thank you for the discipline.

8. Eulogise Simplicity

Teach kids not to associate happiness with material things. This is a hedonistic and materialistic world which needs more simple human beings. Teach your children the virtues of being simple and leading a joyous life. Also teach them the difference between needs and wants; this is one of the most important lessons in life.

9. Do Not Pressurize

A great mom recognizes the limitations of her kids and will only encourage (but not push) her kids to do better. Maintain a relaxed approach that communicates to your kids “it is good to become a star but mommy loves you even if you do not win every race”.

10. Spend Quality Time with Kids

Spending quality time with kids and family is the most important thing that happier and successful moms do. >Spending quality time helps to strengthen parent-child bonding. It is also helps to understand the needs, wants and problems of kids more clearly. Developing strong relationships with your kids and family will indeed make you more happier and successful mom.
By following these ways you can definitely be a better, happier and a successful mom.

Why is it necessary for moms to be happy and cheerful? Which habits should be followed by all moms? What can moms do to raise happier and successful kids? Discuss here.

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Sneha.8 years ago
It is also a responsibility of dads to keep moms happy.
Hemali.8 years ago
Yaa, I agree with you, dads should definitely take care of the well being and happiness of moms so that they can take right care of the entire family.
.2 months ago
Riya.8 years ago
Moms need to stay happy for the well being of the entire family.
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