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Eating Problems:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY
Name: gvi v

Any Idea for a Diet plan for a whole day for a 5 year old Boy.Cant find an Indian version, there are American versions tho.
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Anonymous Name: jyotsan
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

hello gui,
some idea about the posting you had posted long time back, so can you share what would be the diet plan according to you and what you would suggest to the people also when they ask you about diet plan
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Anonymous Name: anita
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

hello gvi,
kids should start the day with helathy breakfast with any of the indian item, such as idli, dosa or poha sandwitch, mainely indian diet food is healthy and feel satisfied to person.
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Anonymous Name: sulochana
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

hello gvi,
normal diet plan is enough for five years old kids, have bit of everything in day diet, and should eat balanced diet, its include all vitamins proteins minerals etc.
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Anonymous Name: sarika
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

hello gvi,
for would be different in every city every home every country, so same way people would follow some kind of food items, so keep in mind different and healthy food is good for baby.
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Anonymous Name: kiran
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

hello gvi,
having diet plan for a child aged five to seven years, its something new to be apply on kids, child requires any different type diet chart, let your kid enjoy and whatever he want to have.
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Anonymous Name: Ishita
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

Hi, after reading your post i feel like why you need a diet plan for a five year old child. A five year child can have any thing there should not be any kind of diet plan.
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Anonymous Name: Nisha
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

Giving everything to your child is very important dont restrict your child to limited food let your child develop the taste buds or else it will be very difficult in future.
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Anonymous Name: Monika
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

Having a diet plan for a child aged five is something new to be heard of as in this age no child requires any sorts of diet plan let your child enjoy whatever he wants to have.
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Anonymous Name: Ankita
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

Hi hope your child is doing well why do you need to put him on a diet at the age of five. I think you should should give your child everything at regular intervals.
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Anonymous Name: Jea
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

Hi no need to have any sort of diet plan for kids at this age. You just need to give them healthy food stuff on daily basis which is quite good. Thats enough to keep the kid happy and strong
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Anonymous Name: Riya
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

Why do you prepare all diet plan at the age of five.Let him eat all kind of varieties of food and that would be good for his health.
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Anonymous Name: Janu
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

Hi GVi,
Food would be different in every home in the same way you people would follow some kinds of food items.So remember one thing that what ever food you feed for you baby it must be healthy.
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Anonymous Name: Kiran
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

Why does diet plan for kid who is five years.You have to keep all kinds and types of food for baby because baby needs energy and growth is also important.
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Anonymous Name: Pandey
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

It is good to maintain some diet chart for baby.Since these days children are easily getting attracted to junk food.And parents need to prepare some healthy chart for baby.
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Anonymous Name: Janu
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

Hi Gvi,
You can give any food to your baby.But do remember only one thing that the food which you are going to give must contain proteins and vitamins which is majorly required for body.Not fat content food.
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Anonymous Name: swe
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

Hi raj
So can you say what would be the solution you had chosed for the problem you had faced also and i wish you would share that and it will be useful for all the people also who want to follow also.
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Anonymous Name: sneha
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

a five year old child is big enough to have a normal diet. He should have a bit of everything that try to have a balanced meal. It is for you to ensure that you give him all the nutrients. Start the day with a healthy breakfast with any of the Indian items such as idlis, poha or sandwiches. Basically Indian diet in itself is very healthy. So you should avoid junk diet that will spoil his health.
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Anonymous Name: lucy
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

So you want to have a diet plan for your kid then which would be the method you want to choose did you consulted any doctor or not can you share what had happened and which you have preferred also.
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Anonymous Name: Ekta
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

Please feed the baby with all healthy nutrients and also make sure that you feed the baby in small intervals it means a lot to make a proper metabolism for the kid and once proper metabolism is made everything goes parallel well.
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Anonymous Name: Neha
Subject:  RE:Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

A five year old child is big enough to have a normal diet. He should have a bit of everything that try to have a balanced meal. It is for you to ensure that you give him all the nutrients.
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Diet plan for 5 yr BOY

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