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Are you and your partner soulmates or do you gel like oil and water? We've got the answer right here! Enter your zodiac signs to find out if you've got the basic ingredients for astrological compatibility, and then answer a few questions to get your final love compatibility score.



1. Your mate wants to watch the latest James Bond while you want to watch Love Story.
You compromise - every time.
Go for Love Story. You're the boss.
Storm off for the movies you want to see with your friends.
Compromise, as long as you pick the flick next time around.

2. Your partner and your family:
Get along like a house on fire.
Are you kidding? Your partner can barely stand the sight of them.
Have a formal, cordial relationship.
Have a pleasant relationship.

3. You call each other on the phone:
Randomly, just to say `I love you'.
Only when you have something specific to say.
To share a hot gossipy bit of info.
To chat.

4. You would describe your relationship as:
Pure ecstasy! It's your reason for living.
You barely communicate and your lives revolve around the children.
Comfortable. You're good friends.
You're not happy most of the time.

5. You fight:
Once a week.
Everyday, over some small matters.
On and off, once in a while.

6. Valentine's Day is:
Just another day.
Incredible! As significant as your anniversary.
Bah, humbug!
Sweet, but not worth devoting more than a couple of minutes to.

7. Anniversaries we celebrate are:
None. We have got more important things to do.
Our wedding anniversary.
Our wedding anniversary and Valentine's Day.
The full Monty. Wedding anniversary, the anniversary of the day we first met, the anniversary of our first date, the anniversary of the day he proposed, Valentine's Day? phew!

8. How often do you express your love for each other?
All the time, every time.
Right after we've kissed and made up.
Only in the dark.
Are you kidding?

9. Your partner's not-so-agreeable habits like chucking dirty clothes on the bathroom floor, reading in the toilet, are getting to you. You deal with it by:
Rewarding your partner with kisses when he or she gets it right.
It's not a big deal. You've got your share of bad habits.
Keep nagging.
Blow your fuse! You've had it!

10. When did you last go for a romantic dinner - just the two of you?
Just last week
Oh, about six months ago.
Uh~E Don't remember. Sometime in the distant past.
Huh? What's that?

11. When you fight:
You are always the first to patch up.
You care a damn. It's your mate's fault, as usual.
You wait, seethe and sulk until your mate gives in.
Depending on the situation, either of you submit.

12. When your mate makes plans with his/her friends you:
Have a blast! They're just your kind of people.
Have a fairly nice time.
Get thoroughly bored but put on a cheery face for your mate's sake.
Put your foot down and simply refuse to accompany him or her.

13. You fight about money:
All the time.
Once in a while, if either of you overspend.
Rarely fight, but it is an issue of discontent.

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