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Various Male Fertility Disorders

Various Male Fertility Disorders

Male infertility could be due to various disorders. A comprehensive analysis will only determine the cause of male infertility. Here are some male fertility disorders. Read on to know about them.

If a couple is unable to conceive, it is the sign one of the partners or both are infertile. Infertility in males contributes significantly to the infertility problems faced by couples. Undergoing certain tests can help to find out the causes behind infertility in males and accordingly a suitable treatment option can be chosen. Let us take a look at various male fertility disorders that create hurdles for a couple to conceive.


Azoospermia characterized by the absence of sperm is either due to an obstruction in the outflow system from the testicle, in the epididymis or vas deferens, or due to a failure in sperm production (spermatogenesis). If a biopsy of the testicle showed that spermatogenesis was normal, this would then indicate that an obstruction was the cause of his azoospermia. Vasograms, which are X-rays of the vas deferens can then be performed to identify the location of the obstruction.

Presence of Antibodies

Sometimes, a semen sample when seen under a microscope, will show sperm clumping. This may indicate the presence of sperm antibodies that are causing the sperm to stick together. A blood sample can be tested for the presence of agglutinating and other sperm inhibiting antibodies.

Klinefelter's Syndrome

Very small testicles may be the manifestation of Klinefelter's Syndrome. This is caused by a chromosomal aberration. Thus, a chromosome investigation will show the presence of an extra X (female) chromosome.

Hormone Disorders

Hormone disorders are rare causes of male infertility, but it may sometimes be helpful to check his F.S.H., L.H., testosterone (male hormone), prolactin and thyroid hormone levels.

Bacterial Infection

The existence of an excessive amount of white blood cells in the semen sample may indicate that an infection may be reducing the ability of the sperm to fertilise an egg. The semen sample should then be cultured to determine the type of infecting bacterial organism.

Other Infections

There are some infections which can affect the quality of sperm as well as the amount of sperm that is produced. Some infections may also cause scarring which can create barrier due to which the sperms may not be able to pass freely. These types of infections include infections like testicles (orchitis), epididymis (epididymitis) or some sexually transmitted infections like HIV or gonorrhoea. Such types of infections may also cause irreversible damage to the testicles. But there may not be any difficulty in retrieving the sperms.

Ejaculation Problems

Sometimes on getting orgasm while having a sexual intercourse the semen is thrown in the bladder instead of getting ejaculated from penis. This condition is known as retrograde ejaculation. Spinal injuries, surgery or prostate, bladder or urethra or medical conditions like diabetes can be responsible for retrograde ejaculation. Certain medications may also be responsible for causing retrograde ejaculation.


If there is swelling in the veins that drain the testicle, the fertility disorder called varicocele is caused. But there is no need to worry as this disorder can be treated effectively. Also there are no confirmed results that show that why exactly varicocele cause disorder like infertility in men. The causes of infertility are mainly attributed to the inability to regulate the normal testicular temperature.

Other Causes for Male Fertility Disorder

Apart from the above mentioned causes, there are lot of other factors that may cause infertility problems in males. Below mentioned are some other factors that may cause male fertility disorder.
  • Certain surgeries
  • Certain radiations
  • Cancerous and non-malignant tumours affecting the reproductive system of males,
  • Injury or scarring of the tubes carrying sperms
  • Undescended testicles
  • Celiac disease
  • Difficulties in having sexual intercourse
Although, there are innumerable known and unknown factors that may lead to infertility in males, proper medical intervention can help the couple to conceive. In most of the cases it is possible to retrieve the sperm and use it in assisted reproductive techniques. So, there is no need to worry as medical science can help to find solutions for males with the above problems.

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Kamal.11 years ago
My best friend was suffering from a serious male fertility disorder ,Thanks to Southend Fertility and IVF in Delhi ,their sincere efforts turned our hopes high and now He is a father of a two year old girl.
hassan muhammad
hassan muhammad.14 years ago
help me treatment in azosperm
Sameer Aggarwal
Sameer Aggarwal.15 years ago
can any one explain me, what are the effects of hormone disorder....
SAMIT PATEL.15 years ago
is azoospermia curable ?
what's the next step to cure?
rahul.15 years ago
i have both undecended testicles and azospermia. how can i have a baby?
Sunil  Shanbhag
Sunil Shanbhag.15 years ago
is azoospermia curable ?
we have done the semen analysis twice, but there were no sperms. later, we did the biopsy, but the doctor, that there were lack of cells which produces sperms.
Shobhit.15 years ago
is azoospermia curable? if yes please mention.
aunasco.15 years ago
i had seminal analysis done twice, but the doctor kept telling me that i have enough sparm count but there are alot of in active cells what can i do pls.
naveen.15 years ago
is azoospermia curable? now im taking aurvedic medicine , im not find any improvement shall i wait or any other resouces
joel.15 years ago
is azoospermia curable?what is the treatment?
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