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Semen Analysis

Semen Analysis

What is semen analysis

While a positive post-coital test result will indicate that the sperm count is normal, an analysis of the semen itself is the most basic test that can be carried out on your husband.

How is the test carried out

A semen sample will be collected by asking your husband to masturbate directly into a special sterile container. There is no point trying to collect a sample by withdrawal at intercourse as some of the initial part of the ejaculate is lost. Transferring a sample from a condom does not help either as most sheaths these days contain a potent spermicide. Some specialists recommend that you abstain from intercourse for a few days before the sample is collected. However, others feel that it is better to follow your normal pattern of intercourse. The semen sample should be kept warm and should be delivered to the laboratory for testing within one hour of production. After the sample volume has been measured, the following calculations are carried out.

  • The number of sperm per milliliter (ml).
  • The percentage of sperm showing normal forward progressive movements (motility).
  • The percentage of abnormal sperm.

What are the indications for normal semen

A normal semen analysis will show:

  • A volume greater than 2 ml.
  • A count of more than 30 million sperm per ml
  • A motility greater than 60% within one hour of production
  • An abnormality rate of less than 25%

What if the semen analysis results are not normal

If your husband's semen analysis falls short of the figures given above, it does not imply that a pregnancy will be unlikely. Different samples from your husband will show different results. This is why a reduced semen analysis will always be checked with 1 or 2 repeat tests. Changes in his general health 10 weeks before the collection of the sample can affect the sperm count and motility. . For example, if he has had an illness like 'flu, it can reduce both the count and motility in a sample produced 10 weeks later, as this is the time taken for sperm to reach maturity. A repeat sample tested after an additional 2-3 months could very well be normal.

What will the results of the semen analysis tell me

If your husband has a good quality semen sample with a count of 10 million per ml and your own fertility is normal, then statistically it will take up to 6 years for you to become pregnant. If this count is 20 million per ml and of good quality it will take up to 3 years, and at 30 million per ml a pregnancy should occur within a year. But keep in mind that these are generalizations that cannot be blindly applied to every couple. The quality of the semen is always more important than the quantity of sperm per ml.

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sadia f
sadia f.11 years ago
i am again clearing the data,
sperm motility active 35, sluggish 15 inactive 50 and sperm morphology normal 90 and abnormal 10 thanx
sadia f
sadia f.11 years ago
report of semen analysis of my husbad is as
time of ejaculation 15 mints
2.vol 3.5ml
3.viscosity thick
4.color greysh alkaline
6.sperm count 120 ml
7.sperm motility active 35
8.sluggish 15
9.inactive 50
10.sperm morphoogy normal 90
11.cytology pus cells 0.1
plz tell me is it normal or not , plz suggest treatment for increase the no of motility....can i be preganant or not from semen of my hubby.thanx
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anu.12 years ago
Dear Sir/Mam,
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Saibal.12 years ago
I have been masterbating long for twice or thrice a day. Now I am married for 2 years without an issue. Can I have one atleast. Sperm density & quantity have lessened. I have used CONFIDO capsules from Himalaya for 3 months but in vain. Now I cannot masterbate. So semen analysis is not possible. My left testis is smaller than right one. Can you please help me out of the problem? My wife is turning to madness these days.
Saibal.12 years ago
I have been masterbating long for twice or thrice a day. Now I am married for 2 years without an issue. Can I have one atleast. Sperm density & quantity have lessened. I have used CONFIDO capsules from Himalaya for 3 months but in vain. Now I cannot masterbate. So semen analysis is not possible. My left testis is smaller than right one. Can you please help me out of the problem? My wife is turning to madness these days.
rahul.12 years ago
i am 35 yrs old have done seminal fluid test
liquification time- 21 min/
chemical reaction-alkaline/
fructose +/
total sperm count-12mili/
grade1 05%/
grade2 10%/
grade3 15%/
grade 4 25%/
sperm abnormality 25%/
cellular elements all nil
please let me know the result and treatment i am having a child 7 yrs,want another one
mohammad marwan
mohammad marwan.13 years ago
i m 26 years old and i have done spermogram test.liquification>3 hrs, volume 4, sperm account 39 million/ml , ph 9 , WBC rare, RBC absent, crystals absent, trichomonas absent , morphology: normal 70% abnormal 30%, mobility after 1/2 hr:active 20% sluggish 10% immobile 70% .mobility after 3 hrs:active 5% sluggish 5% immobile 90% . please advise what can we do to make the ph normal?
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