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Signs That you Are Raising a Polished Child

Signs That you Are Raising a Polished Child
Raising a polished child is one of the greatest achievements for parents. Let us take a look at the signs that you are raising a polished child.
As a parent it is justified for you to be concerned about the manners your children are picking up and the way they behave with others. Often children behave differently outside their home than they do inside it. However, there are tell-tale signs which will let you know whether you are raising a polished child. Here are some things that you should watch out for.

Offering to Share Chores

If your kid is offering to share chores without being prodded or forced to do the same then this is a sign that he or she is growing up to be polished. Sensitivity towards home responsibilities and duties are a proof of a refined and dutiful mind. However, this is not an inborn trait and you will have to coach and train your kid to think along those lines. Sharing chores and responsibilities with siblings is also the sign of a polished mind.

Saying Thank You, Sorry and Please

There is a good reason as to why thank you and please are taught early in school. These are the basic building blocks of good behaviour and this behaviour actually marks the character of a polished mind. Keep a watch on your kids and see whether they are saying thank you, sorry and please on time to other children, adults, friends and relatives. However, bear in mind that your kids will only pick up these manners when they see you practicing the same. Whenever you see your children saying thank you and sorry actively encourage your kids to continue the good behaviour.

Being Respectful to Elders

Respecting elders is one of the best signs of a dutiful and refined mind. If you notice your kids helping the old lady across the street carry her grocery bags or helping their elderly uncle cross the street then these are signs of good behaviour and courtesy. In a world which is dangerously tilting towards selfish action and self interest respect towards elders is one of the many traits that will help restore balance and goodness of thought. Again this is a trait that you will have to demonstrate to your children in order for them to follow your example.

Refraining From Using Loud Voices

As your kids grow older they will slowly start modulating their voices and speaking in a low respectful tone. Using a soft tone of voice is one of the basic traits of a refined and polished child. Notice how your kids are behaving in stressful situations like when they are really angry with a friend or are disappointed in something. If you notice kids dealing with unpleasantness and disagreeable situations in a soft and controlled way then you can begin to become sure that they are well on their way to become refined and courteous individuals.

Following a Code of Ethics

As a home needs a solid foundation to support it, a polished mind needs a firm code of ethics behind it. As a parent you must have spent some time in teaching morals to your children and these are probably the same values that you have been taught as a kid. When you see your children reciprocating those values in real life and living up to your taught code of ethics it is a symbol of a refined and polished mind. As a parent raising a kid who has the conviction to follow ethical codes is one of your biggest achievements.
Now that you have identified the signs demonstrated by a polished child it becomes easier for you to identify the same in your children. Hopefully you will be able to appreciate these positive qualities in your kids.

What are the common characteristics of a polished child? What values should be instilled in child to raise him or her into a polished child? What are the signs that a child is polished and well-mannered? Discuss here.

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Malti.9 years ago
It is very important to identify and encourage such qualities in children.
Arushi.9 years ago
Children learn from their parents so parents should behave properly in front of kids to raise polished children.
Swapna.9 years ago
Such children are appreciated by everyone. All parents should inculcate such values in their children and raise polished children.
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