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5 Important Parenting Skills Every Father Must Learn

5 Important Parenting Skills Every Father Must Learn

Role of fathers is very important in the upbringing of children. Therefore, it is essential for fathers to learn few parenting skills so that they aid healthy growth and development of children. Here are 5 important parenting skills every father must learn.

Fathers have important roles to play in the family. Some fathers have to leave their home early to reach office and they come late in night while some fathers are there who get sufficient time to spend with their family members. Being father is not an easy task. For their children, fathers are the role models so they need to behave in very responsible matter. 5 most important parenting skills that every father should learn are discussed below:

1. Feeding the Kids

Breastfeeding is a must for a kid right after its birth. The entire role has to be played by the moms. Babies are exclusively breastfed till they reach the age of 6 months. Mothers would find it easier to cope up with this period if fathers can give required food, rest and encouragement to the mothers.
Much before the birth of the child, dads should gather knowledge about importance of breastfeeding a child and the care the mothers need during this time. The role of a father does not end after the child stops breastfeeding rather fathers should take an active role in feeding their children. If mother is not available during the meal time of the child, fathers should be able to feed their children.

2. Keeping Children Involved

Fathers should know different ways to keep their children involved. Fathers have to keep patience so that they can keep their children busy with various activities like indoor games, books, crafts, and music. Fathers can also keep their children busy with many outdoor games. It is actually very helpful if fathers learn how to keep their children busy especially when mothers have to stay outside late for some official or personal work.

3. Spending Quality Time With the Family Members

Whether it is helping the kids in their studies or if it is helping them to complete their project work kids would appreciate if their fathers help them in doing these things. Fathers should sit with their kids and simply have chat about their activities in school and playground. Kids would appreciate when they find their fathers taking interest to know more about their children’s friends.
On a weekend, fathers must plan for a small outing or movie watching so that the entire family can spend some time together and have some enjoyable moments. This will definitely create very special and strong bonding between fathers and the kids and also between the different members of the family.

4. Learn and Do Household Chores

Dads should share some of the household chores so that mothers get time to look after their babies and they should get some time for themselves. Learning cooking, serving food and every packing lunch boxes for the kids would help the mothers a lot. If fathers could help mothers in the kitchen, drying up and arranging the laundry, cleaning house etc children will also learn to help their mothers in doing the same. Sons consider their fathers to be their role model so when they find their fathers helping their mothers in doing household chores; they will also do the same in future.

5. Keeping the Partner Happy

Fathers should always show respect to their partners. If they do so, their children will learn to respect their mothers. Never ever fathers should show disgrace to the mother of their children. Mothers play a vital role in the upbringing of children as well as taking care of the family. Therefore, it is essential for fathers to keep their partners happy. Having a happy marital life is essential to raise happy kids.
If all fathers learn the above lessons and follow them right from the day of their fatherhood they would surely become of the best dads of the world and will have his kids raised in the right manner. Role of fathers and mothers complement each other and that is why it is important that fathers should actively take part in the process of raising their kids.
These are the most important parenting skills that every father should learn to build a happy and healthy family.

Why is the involvement of fathers in the upbringing of children important? Which skills should be learnt by all fathers? How can fathers aid in the healthy growth and development of children? Discuss here.

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Fatima.9 years ago
All good fathers know how to do all these things.
Mariam.9 years ago
Only mothers do all these things for children, but all fathers also be involved in such parenting activities.
Dev.9 years ago
Must read article for every father.
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