Peer Pressure in Teenagers
Peer Pressure and Addiction
Sometimes smoking, drug and alcohol addiction can be as a result of peer pressure in teenagers. Read how teenagers fall prey to various addictions due to peer pressure.
Dealing with Peer Pressure
Parents can play a major role in helping teenagers deal with peer pressure. Teenagers can find it easier to cope with peer pressure with the help of parents. Let us learn how to help teenagers deal with peer pressure.More »
Peer Pressure and Bullying
Bullying is one of the negative forms of peer pressure. Bullying can affect the self-esteem of the child. It can also hamper the development of the child. Read all about peer pressure and bullying.
Peer Pressure and Sex
Negative peer pressure can also lead a teenager to indulge in sex. Inadequate knowledge about sex can prove risky to teenagers. Read the facts related to peer pressure and sex.
Peer Pressure and Crime
Peer pressure can also lead teenagers to indulge in crime. Therefore, it is very essential to ensure that your child is in a good company. Read on to understand more about peer pressure and crime.
Effects of Peer Pressure
Negative peer pressure can have devastating effects on the development of teenagers. Let us have a look at the effects of peer pressure and how to deal with it.