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Health Issues: Eczema concern
Name: Maher

Hi all,
My 21 month old has eczema ever since he was born. I would like to know if anyone has come across this problem in their children, and if yes, how did/ do you deal with it. The pediatrician says it is common among Indian kids since we are not genetically programmed to live in the dry weather of the US. I have tried cetaphil lotion, hydrocortisone and also aquaphor. Everthing provides temporary relief but the dry skin patches do not go away.
Please help!!!
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Anonymous Name: Namita
Subject:  RE: Eczema concern


I had a similar query a few months ago concerning eczema occuring in toddlers. As far as I know, it can be due to a varrying number of factors and common foods that end up causing the condition in 1-2 year old toddlers.

In my research I found this article really helpful in addressing the problem:

I hope this helps!
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Anonymous Name: jyoti vyas
Subject:  where can I find melaleuka oil? which store?

please write to me where can I find melaleuka oil.
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Anonymous Name: Renu
Subject:  Don't worry

Dear Maher,

Hi!My daughter who is 18 months now was having eczema ever since she was born.Well I also tried so many things on her nothing worked .Then when she was 9 months old someone told me about Homeopathy treatement belive me it works there is a lot of change in her.But I had to go to my native place in between so when I went there the climate suited her and she had no signs of eczema so when I came back I did'nt go to the doc.Because of my mistake she is still suffering it has not gone fully because the boster dose was missed out because of my carelessness or else it would have gone completely.Well I have started of again with it I know it will take some time but it will go.Also when you give his bath after oil massage apply turmeric powder mixed with milk and if possible let it stay on his body for few minutes later if possible insted of plain water first boil neem leaves and bark in the water and take a bath with that water.It really works.

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Anonymous Name: lavina
Subject:  eczema

when you mean use tea tree oil how should one use it ? pls suggest. i am really worried since my 7 month daughter has it behind her knees and there are days when it is inflammed and all red and other days when it just disappears. pls help i am really worried.
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Anonymous Name: Sindhu
Subject:  Skin relief

My friend's daughter had the same condition but on certain areas of her body. She tried the Melaleuka lotion and it worked. The Two days after running out of it it reappeared. I tried it with my son and there is a dramatic difference. It has to do with the Melaleuka oil (tea tree oil). It's organic and cheaper.. I found that in our house, the chemicals, if it's the cleaning agents etc. had a lot to do with it. So I practically \";switched stores\"; and his allergies are slim to none now. I did a lot of research and became a part of the company. Now a lot of my friends get this lotion from me. We are all so relieved there's a world of difference in our children's skin. It's something the whole family can use.
Please let me know if I can be of any help to you!
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Anonymous Name: seema ramkumar
Subject:  eczema

Dear Ms Sindhu,

My son too suffers from eczema since birth. We tried homeopathy but it did not help much. He is 15 months old now and still gets rashes all over the body, We apply Locoid ointment and a mixture of liquid and white paraffin to keep him comfortable. We would like to try the Melaleuka lotion. Kindly let us know under what brand it is available in Mumbai, India and where can I get it. Also let me know how to apply.

Seema Ram Kumar
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Anonymous Name: khyati
Subject:  what are the signs of having eczema?

my son (4 month old) is having red colour rashes on his it due to eczema?what are the signs of having exzema? i am applying cetaphil on face but didnt worked much.does anyone tell me what to do? can anyone help me ?
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Anonymous Name: ria
Subject:  eczema

vasliumcarbomeer should be available there but it is the dutch nme and i don't know the english name

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Anonymous Name: ria
Subject:  eczema

vasliumcarbomeer should be available there but it is the dutch nme and i don't know the english name

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Anonymous Name: Akshara
Subject:  eczema

My baby is eight month old and is suffering from eczema too. Its mainly due to the dry weather in U.S.

Following really worked for me (worth giving a try):
1. Try to give a oil massage before you bath your baby (No baby oil..its scented)
2. When you take your baby out, make sure her body is fully covered with clothes (esp. hands and legs).
3. Do not give any choco products.

Hope it helps!
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Anonymous Name: Akshara
Subject:  eczema

Choco( Caffeine) products usally makes sensitive baby fussy and allergic.

Regarding detergent, I use 'Dreft'. You can use any fragrance free (esp. for babies) detergent.

Good Luck!!
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Anonymous Name: ria
Subject:  eczema

hi Maher,
my son also is having the same problem,but now after chaning the foll. things his condition has improved.

changed his moisturiser into a non perfumed one (vaselium carbomeer 30% creme)
changed the detergent to non perfumed one (neutral)
stoped giving him apple

and more over we have to massage the moisturiser on to him body rather than just appying it on

u can try these changes and see

dest of luck


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Anonymous Name: Maher
Subject:  Eczema concern

Hi Ria and Akshara,
Thank you for your replies! I really appreciate it. However, is there any medical support for not giving chocolate and apple? Secondly, which detergent should I use? Is Vaseline carbomeer available everywhere?
Please help!!
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RE: Eczema concern

I had a similar query a few months ago concerning eczema occuring in toddlers. As far as I know, it can be due to a varrying number of factors and common foods that end up causing the condition in 1-2 year old toddlers.

In my research I found this article really helpful in addressing the problem:

I hope this helps! ... - Namita [View Message]