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Feeding:Urgent- baby food receipes
Name: Satiksha Tawde

can u give some new receipes to make baby for 11 months. my baby boy is upto 11 month . i give him khichri or ragi in milk but he is not eating properly.

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Anonymous Name: Dippy
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

Feed your babies with dxn cookies and cocozhi, lemonzhi or zhi mucha.. Zhi means ganoderma also spirulina capsules. Thanks.
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Anonymous Name: rajni
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

hello friend,
according to me you should start giving your kid such foods after a certain age as it will be easy for the kid to digest , if you want you can please contact me as myself a dietician and can advice also.
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Anonymous Name: yogesh
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

hello friend,
i also face the same problem my kid is now 10 months and he is very thin and he also not eat anything, if i feed him anything like ragi, he got ommitt so i dont understand what i prepare for him.
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Anonymous Name: seema
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

hello satiksha,
you can give plain khichadi to your kid, and mix ragi in it makes little heavy to digest by small kid, so please do not give your child such heavy foods instead give him light food.
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Anonymous Name: manisha
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

hello friend,
there are many books are available which give receipes for kids food, you can read the prepare food receipes and make it like that, which is healthy for your kid, and he easily digest things.
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Anonymous Name: urvashi
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

hello friend,
i suggest you that only cerelac to your kid as he must be finding difficult in digesting the food, so please be very sure while giving to your kid, you can take suggestion of child specialist.
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Anonymous Name: ranjana
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

hello satiksha,
dont force your kid to eat outside food, he take food the quantity he needed, so dont force him to eat anything, you can give only milk if your kid not having food, and see that he taking milk properly.
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Anonymous Name: ramesh
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

hello satiksha,
you can try healthy snacks like organic jams and that you can spread on roti, and its healthy snacks, you can made at home but its not for 11 months baby, you can give after 2 years to your baby.
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Anonymous Name: bhavana
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

hello satiksha,
giving food to kid is necessary i dont refuse this thing, but your baby is just 11 months keep in mind that, you cant force your kid to have those foods because he is very small now, think on that.
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Anonymous Name: gayu
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

hello satiksha,
your baby is just 11 months, so dont give extra food to him, breastfeeding is good food and supplement of nutrition for baby, you should concentrate on your food, so indirectly baby got all things from milk.
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Anonymous Name: niraja
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

hello satiksha,
your baby is just 11 months, so dont give him outside food, whatever you give him is right, and mother milk is important for baby dont start giving food on this earlier age to him.
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Anonymous Name: Anu
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

Hi dear why do you want to start giving food at this age as your child is very young and you should only give milk to your kid, please think twice in giving such foods to your kids and then it should not harm your kid as he is too young for it.
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Anonymous Name: Anita
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

Giving good food to your child is a must but then you should also see that the child is having the same food comfortably as you cannot force your kid to have those foods because he is very small now and can get allergic to food now, so please think twice in giving any food.
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Anonymous Name: Anaida
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

Hi dear this is very common with kids as they dont like any food except milk so please do not force your kid for any food and just give him milk at regular intervals and also try to mix some banana if possible as that will be very health for your kid.
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Anonymous Name: radhika88
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

try healthy snacks for babies and organic jams and spreads. these ready made healthy snacks are as healthy as home made food,
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Anonymous Name: Heena
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

Hi Satiksha please do not worry if your kid is not having the food then please do not force your kid on the same, also give only milk if your kid is not having the food what you are trying to give, also be very sure he is having milk properly.
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Anonymous Name: Harpreet
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

Hello dear this is really good to see that you have started giving such foods to your kid, but please maintain the balance of quantity as the portion of ragi should be less and milk should be more. All the best for the future.
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Anonymous Name: Honey
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

Hi please make sure you are giving the food by blending it properly, if not then start doing the same as kids love to sallow the food and they will not like it the manner you are giving and also make sure the timing is also right.
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Anonymous Name: Ginni
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

Hello dear please do one thing if your kid is not having such foods then please start giving some other alternatives as kids are like this they dont have much food and one thing to be taken care that you feed at least two glass of milk daily.
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Anonymous Name: Geetu
Subject:  RE:Urgent- baby food receipes

Hello dear this is really good to see that you are so much interested in thinking what kind of food to be given, also be very sure if your kid is not having the same food then please do not force your kid on the same.
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Feed your babies with dxn cookies and cocozhi, lemonzhi or zhi mucha.. Zhi means ganoderma also spirulina capsules. Thanks. ... - Dippy [View Message]