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Exercising During Pregnancy

Exercising During Pregnancy

Exercising regularly during pregnancy ensure a natural childbirth and a healthy baby. It is necessary to exercise only after consulting a doctor and under certified expert’s supervision during pregnancy. Read on and find about the issues related to exercising during pregnancy.

Is it safe to exercise swim or play a sport?

Engaging in some form of moderate exercise when you are expecting will keep you fit and healthy during your entire pregnancy term. Research has indicated that physical fitness will help you adapt to pregnancy very easily. Exercising has physical as well as immense psychological benefits. It produces a feel good feeling which makes women more energetic and positive.

A number of pregnant women choose swimming over other forms of exercise during pregnancy because it makes them feel weightless. This can be an immense relief especially in the third trimester. For women residing in places with warm climate swimming has an added advantage of keeping them cool.

Swimming is a great form of exercise which helps to:

a) Improve blood circulation in the body.

b) Boost the functioning of two important organs of the body- the heart and lungs.

c) Increase the muscle tone and strength.

d) Help women cope better with swelling and fluid retention which is very common during pregnancy.

e) Induce good sleep and fight fatigue easily.

Although it is safe to swim throughout pregnancy and right until your delivery it is advisable to check with your doctor before you actually start swimming.

Regular swimmers can continue with their normal preconception swimming routine even during pregnancy. You must take care and start slowly, warm up and cool down gradually. At no point of time should be make efforts to exert in any way. If you feel unwell or experience any kind of unusual pain or bleeding you must immediately consult your doctor.

Playing other Sports during pregnancy

It is perfectly alright to engage in sport activities during pregnancy. It is a myth that pregnancy and sports do not mix.

At an outset it is important to remember that pregnant athletes must fully understand the possible risks and consult a doctor before continuing to play sports during the pregnancy. Majority of sports are perfectly safe during the first trimester, including contact sports such as soccer, basketball and lacrosse. However, there are certain sports which must be avoided during all stages of pregnancy. These include: scuba diving, water skiing, martial arts, and gymnastics.

What are some of the safe sports to participate in throughout pregnancy?

Non-contact sports are completely safe during the entire 9 months of pregnancy. However, women who have been advised of bed rest by their doctors must strictly adhere to their doctor’s instructions. Normally, running, walking, and swimming are great ways to stay in fit during the 9 months of pregnancy.

It is important take certain precautions even while engaging in a simple sport like walking during pregnancy. For example, you must abstain from running or walking on hot and humid days. You must ensure that you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

In case you are having a normal pregnancy and do not fall in the category of high risk pregnancy continuing any sport or mild form of exercise in moderation will not cause you any harm. In fact it will help you stay fit, healthy and energetic during your entire pregnancy. In addition to improving physical fitness, swimming in water is very useful to ease aches and pains. Even for women who may have never exercised before, swimming is one of the exercises which are considered to be absolutely safe to begin during pregnancy. However, consulting doctor is a must before adopting any form of exercise during pregnancy.

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