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Single Parenting:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet
Name: Sunanda Arora

Hey everyone,
I am a single mom of a 2yr old, and like most of u even i have the same concern i.e. to be in a group of like minded people so as to give my child a platform to mingle and have some time for myself as well.
So rather than making and joining a group, lets meet directly
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Anonymous Name: P
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

Hlo is there any single parent around karnal or chandigarh?
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Anonymous Name: Sonu
Subject:  RE:RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

I am Male from Chandigarh if interested to meet let me know
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Anonymous Name: P
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

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Anonymous Name: Raj
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

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Anonymous Name: savita
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
its your life and you should live your life on your terms if you think its good for you to join this group so you can join nothing wrong in that, to join this type of group, its on you only.
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Anonymous Name: tarun
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
its not right at all, and think on that properly, before joining any group you should think about your kid and your safety too, if you want to mingle with anyone choose your friends.
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Anonymous Name: ranjana
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
you are right at your place, if you are more concern about your kid then you should going on right track, so you should kept yourself safe in this things, and dont meet any stranger
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Anonymous Name: niraj
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
from your post its seems like you are more interested to join group not for your kid, but for yourself you want to join group, so think on that and then join any group be careful
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Anonymous Name: nityati
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
as per my thinking capacity every women have family, so rather join any single parent group you think to spend time with family only, so it will be good for you, and also its safe also.
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Anonymous Name: ganesh
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
its not your fault you being single mother so you also think that some partner company with you, who is mingling with you for some time and nothing wrong in that as per my view.
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Anonymous Name: niyati
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
its great thinking but its totally depend upon you, if you want to join the group you can, but be careful after joining the group, and its great thing also, so be careful onwards.
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Anonymous Name: balu
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
if you want to try to join single parenting group for your kid, so its not like that there is make your new friends also, and the single parents will come with kids only, so take care in this things.
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Anonymous Name: rohit
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
you should not join this type of single parenting group, its risky and also you cant share some your private information with any stranger, so dont waste your time in this group.
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Anonymous Name: santosh
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
as per my thinking and view, you should join the single parenting group that is good for you, and also you can enjoy the new company and also you can mingling with your new friends circle.
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Anonymous Name: rajat
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
its great idea, you can easily join the single parenting group, and its good for you also, you can also make new friends, and also spend time and share things with them, so its good for you.
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Anonymous Name: ranjana
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
dont meet any stranger directely its not good anyhow, so think on that thousand times,and then only take inititative in any things, so if you concern for your kid you should spend time with your kid.
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Anonymous Name: tarun
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
its great idea, so as soon as possible you should think about implementation of idea, so it will be very happy and relax moment to every single parents, they can share things with each other.
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Anonymous Name: dipak
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
its your life and you have right to take decision about your life, so dont worry, if you think its good for you to join this group so you can join groups, there is nothing wrong in that.
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Anonymous Name: harsha
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

hello sunanda,
as per my thinking capacity, you should not join this type of group, because one of my friend she was also single, and she had join this group and after she was mingle with one guy, and after he was suffer her very badly.
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Anonymous Name: raghav
Subject:  RE:Single mom -bangalore- lets meet

helllo sunanda,
your family with you or not, and if your family is with you, then i dont think there is need to being mingle with anyone, because from your post its seems that you are more interested than your kid.
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