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Joint Family:A different kind of joint family
Name: James Stock

Hi this is my first post. My reason for coming to this forum to see the stories of others who live like me and to help those cant adapt to this lifestyle. So let me tell you my story.Usually in a joint family, a man tends to live with his male siblings and their spouses along with their children grandchildren and occasionally their parents. My life is rather different. My joint family composes of both sides of my immediate family,several members of my extended family and a few close friends. We also have another relative who lives like this right next door. My father, the youngest of 5 children lives with all his siblings who thne have their spouses, children in laws and grandchildren along with my paternal grandmother, her 2 sister inlaws and her uncle. My mum has 6 of her 10 siblings 3 of whom are single and only 2 have children. Also my maternal grandmother moved in with her sister,and her sister in law who has her son,daugher inlaw grandson and her daughter in laws mother living in as well. Another family unit that moved in was my fathers oldest niece who has her child and husband along with his patents and grandfather. To keep things brief when you move in you' ll have at least one child,grandchild, parent and sibling. Hopefully you guys enjoy my story as I will keep uploading more of my experiences living like this. Also if you like I will post an entire list of people living in my house.
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Anonymous Name: Mayuri
Subject:  RE:A different kind of joint family

Hi James, there are a lot of people these days who are shifting from joint family to nuclear family as they are not really comfortable in staying with alot of people You can also try for it
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Anonymous Name: Sakshi
Subject:  RE:A different kind of joint family

Well what you have explained her is a very different style of joint family and quite interesting too. We would like to know more about you family and how well all of you get along with each other and much you enjoy it.
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Anonymous Name: Maggi
Subject:  RE:A different kind of joint family

Hello James,
It is so good that in these days people is maintaining the joint family it is good to hear and i wish it must continue and all the people must have the same family i wish every one would do that.
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Anonymous Name: Myntra
Subject:  RE:A different kind of joint family

Hello James,
Living in joint family is great and being in word also matters a lot.I wish you people will be happy so that there will be only happiness in your family and your family members need to be increased also.
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Anonymous Name: sudha
Subject:  hi many members in total in your family? hundred? oh my god....seriously. it is very difficult to live with family like this big or may be it is fun to have frnds and family together. enjoy living with them.
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A different kind of joint family

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