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Sleeping:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn
Name: Andrew Alley

Newborn babies seem to follow their own sleep schedule, often to the dismay of their parents. However, it is always beneficial to establish a sleep routine. Doctors at Rainbow Hospital, the best children’s hospital in Hyderabad, believe that this will eventually lead to healthy sleep patterns that last a lifetime.

Find a Pattern

Newborn care specialists warn for a few rocky days initially. Your sleep is going to go for a toss as your life is ruled by your little bundle of joy. Newborns have their own schedule and there is no way you can tweak it. They sleep for 2-3 hours, feed, and then again go to sleep. However, many infants start showing set patterns. How long does your baby sleep? Is he or she settling down at night?

Differentiating Night and Day

Even though your nights seem to merge with your days, newborn baby care specialists recommend that you try to establish the concept of night and day for your baby. Make sure your windows are open and the room is bright at daytime. Let the usual humdrum of your home surround you. Bring your baby to the living area where other family members are.

Nighttime rituals should be starkly different. Even if your baby is awake, take her to a darkened room with only a nightlight. Slowly your baby will start realizing and responding to this difference, understanding that nights are for rest, while the daytime is for play.

Establishing Bedtime

Pediatricians at Rainbow Hospital, the best children’s hospital in India, stress that it is important that a bedtime routine is established.
• You can begin with giving your baby a bath. This will soothe the baby.
• Follow it by a feeding session.
• You will need to change your baby’s diaper/clothes after that.
• Even if your baby is awake at this time, stick to this ritual. You can sing a lullaby or just play some soothing music in the room.

Above all, remember that you are dealing with a little human being. Your baby has a mind of her own, and will often not feel like following the rules laid down by you. She may also have her off days when she will just refuse to sleep. So do your best, but as pediatricians at Rainbow Hospital warn, be ready for every unexpected little surprise!
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Anonymous Name: Reshma
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

Hi dear this is good to see such a dedication on the same but then kids should not be force on this as i believe that this kids will develop the sleep pattern as their own and you will be able to get to see the same after some point of time.
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Anonymous Name: Ranjana
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

Hello madam this is good and should have some applauds for you to sharing such good thoughts on this platform and i am sure with this many parents will be benefited and you are will get good blessings from those parents so all the best dear.
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Anonymous Name: Raju
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

Madam please share some more details as our kid is not having a good sleep pattern do we need to consult a doctor on the same, please do share this on the same as it is very upsetting and we are feeling sad about the same and dont know what to do in this matter.
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Anonymous Name: Rajesh
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

Oh my god this is really good to see that you are have shared such a big post and must tell you that after reading your post my wife was very much confident about this as i was telling her the same as kids need to develop a good sleep pattern.
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Anonymous Name: Unnati
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

Hi dear i will surely agree with your point as kids should develop a good sleep pattern as it is very much necessary so please do follow the instructions and do the same as what you have written, all the best dear and please share the feedback as well.
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Anonymous Name: Eureka
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

Hello it is very important to have a proper sleep pattern but then kids are normally not follow such things as this is very difficult but after a certain age they will surely develop this habit so please do not feel upset and just relax and wait for the right time.
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Anonymous Name: Esha
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

Hi there are you really serious in what you are saying and please tell me which doctor has said this as i do not believe in this as kids are not like this and they will not behave like this and will not be that easy for such things as you are saying.
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Anonymous Name: Sarita
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

Hi dear this is really good to see that you are taking so much efforts to make everyone's life a good one really appreciate your cause and will also would like to see that you are also doing the same what changes you found.
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Anonymous Name: Seema
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

Hi dear what a lovely though of sharing this i am sure you are good soul and want to help out other parents as well, please do continue the good work and will love to see more from you dear. Thanks making this platform working so good really great work.
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Anonymous Name: Shikha
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

Hi dear this is good to see that you are having some changes in your child sleep pattern as here i cannot see any changes after trying all your methods but nothing changed, please share if you have any other methods as well as it can surely me a lot.
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Anonymous Name: Sujata
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

Hello dear based on your post i feel to try to the same in my house and see the results as we are having twins and its very difficult and we feel some times so helpless that we are left frustrated and it happens very often, thanks for the post dear.
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Anonymous Name: Suman
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

Hi dear if this is the case i will surely try this and will post you the feedback after a week of this as what was the changes we will see, thank you for sharing such good ideas god bless you as well your kid with good health thanks a ton dear.
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Anonymous Name: Anu
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

Hi dear this is good to see that you are taking so much care about your kid but then is your kid following this pattern as my kid has a very odd hours sleep and wake up timings and by that we all get affected as my husband is having morning shifts so its very difficult.
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Anonymous Name: Anita
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

According to me this is good but then you cannot force your child to sleep as per your wish as kids as really bad in this and they have a tendency to sleep in day and get up in late night so according to me this is not the key to success, please post if i am wrong.
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Anonymous Name: Anaida
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

Hey dear i will agree with you and will also suggest you to follow this pattern and this is really good to see that you are following such good things, keep posting such good ideas really feeling happy for you and for your kid as well.All the best dear.
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Anonymous Name: mandira
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

hello andrew,
yes it is very much important, and also the developing schedule for your baby sleep is beneficial for both the baby and you, you can complete for different work and household tasks.
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Anonymous Name: sangita
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

hello andrew,
so we can not judge the sleep of child and the children will sleep at any time and wake up at any time they do not have any particular time for sleep and for the food, it would be better we need to take care of the child.
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Anonymous Name: kiran
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

hello andrew,
finding a pattern is very important and differentiating night and day is important as well, hope that doctors and management of rainbow also provide all services to the people.
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Anonymous Name: ranjeet
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

hello andrew,
yes it is very difficult , we can not judge the sleep of child and then children will sleep at any time and they wake up at any time they dont have any particular time for sleep.
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Anonymous Name: indira
Subject:  RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

hello andrew,
yes it is very important yo fix shedule of the baby or it will get difficult for the baby to sleep and it happens that the baby sleeps through the entire day and then is wide awake.
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How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

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How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn

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RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn
Hey dear i will agree with you and will also suggest you to follow this pattern and this is really good to see that you are following such good things, keep posting such good ideas really feeling happy for you and for your kid as well.All the best dear.... - Anaida [View Message]
RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn
According to me this is good but then you cannot force your child to sleep as per your wish as kids as really bad in this and they have a tendency to sleep in day and get up in late night so according to me this is not the key to success, please post if i am wrong.... - Anita [View Message]
RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn
Hi dear this is good to see that you are taking so much care about your kid but then is your kid following this pattern as my kid has a very odd hours sleep and wake up timings and by that we all get affected as my husband is having morning shifts so its very difficult.... - Anu [View Message]
RE:How to Develop a Sleep Routine for your Newborn
Hi dear if this is the case i will surely try this and will post you the feedback after a week of this as what was the changes we will see, thank you for sharing such good ideas god bless you as well your kid with good health thanks a ton dear.... - Suman [View Message]