Majority of women are completely clueless about their bone health. Luckily there are certain aspects that if you take care of, you can protect your frame. Read on to learn about how you can prevent yourself from bone density issues post 30 years of age.If you are more than 30 years of age and are a female you have increased risk of developing osteoporosis. There are many reasons why women are more prone to health issues as they have smaller and thinner bones than men as well as the hormone that protects bones in women known as oestrogen, decreases sharply as women reaches the age of
Initially people used to think that
osteoporosis is a part of ageing and not much can be done for that. Today, you can have a lot of assistance on how to prevent, detect and treat the disease. Studies show that with a strict routine, proper diet and apt guidance women can increase their bone density even after 30 years of age.
Bone Weakening Fads
Have a quick look at the bone weakening fads.
Food Fads
Women who stick to low calorie diets often have bone health of women twice their age. An unbalanced diet leaves you having intake that lack important nutrients and minerals that are bone fortifying. Many women cut their intake of dairy products and do not
get enough calcium from their daily diet as well. The good news is that in addition to dairy products you can also get enough calcium from beans and nuts like almonds and proteins from plants and lean meat.
Over Exercising
Many people think that exercising as much as they can, would help them have a good and healthy body. In reality over exercising can be fatal for your bones. In fact, excess of some workouts can be extremely worse for your skeleton. Overdoing it in the pool or on the bike or elliptical machine can actually cause you to have low bone density. With the right training some women can even increase their bone density by almost 2 percent every year.
Sneaky Calcium Robbers
Here are the three things which can deprive you of calcium.
Surprisingly more than two cups of coffee daily can rob calcium from your diet and flush it off before it gets absorbed.
Alcoholic drinks
More than one or two alcoholic drinks can deprive you of calcium.
There are some medications like antidepressants and contraceptives that are also responsible for depleting your calcium supply. So, if you are being prescribed any new medicine, make sure you ask your doctor about the bone risks that are involved.
Tips for Strengthening Your Bones
Here are some tips to strengthen your bones and get them healthier.
- Get details of your family history because women with a family history of osteoporosis are more likely to have weak bones.
- Boost your calcium consumption. Include yogurt, cheese, milk, collard greens and spinach in your food.
- Do not forget vitamin D. Calcium is not enough for bones unless it is paired with foods rich in vitamin D. You can get your daily dose by cereal, orange juice, sardines, egg yolks and tuna. 10 – 15 minutes of exposure to sun also gives you vitamin D.
- Boost bone density with vitamin K.
- Pay attention to potassium intake which will help neutralize acids that can remove calcium from your body.
- Give regular exercise your priority. Walking, jumping, skipping and stair climbing keep bones stronger.
- Cut down your caffeine intake.
- Avoid alcoholic drinks.
- Quit smoking as smoking prevents your body from absorbing calcium and decreases body mass as well.
Apart from the above measures you must also get your
bone density test done and find out the right condition so that you can take appropriate measures to take care of and prevent bone density issues.
What are the causes of bone density issues in older women? How to prevent osteoporosis? What can women do to strengthen their bones? Discuss here.