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Diet and Exercise:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy
Name: gowri manoharan

Is there a list of indian food items to avoid during pregnancy?
Like, ginger, ripe mango, etc?

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Anonymous Name: hansa
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

hello gowri,
items that keep body temperature normal and avoid to eat excess of food, and eat sprouts and green vegetables, and fruits too, also you can do proper chart of diet in pregnancy.
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Anonymous Name: harish
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

hello friend,
in pregnancy you can eat apple and other fruits too, keep hydrated body and oats of fluids, also drink milk also, instead of tea or coffee take milk and eat fruits which is full of vitamins.
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Anonymous Name: nisha
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

hello friend,
you should drink plenty of water and eat fruits and juices, you take pills that time so its necessary to take plenty of water, keep your body fully hdrated and just keep yourself relaxed.
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Anonymous Name: nilesh
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

hello gowri,
in pregnancy there is list of food items which is avoid in pregnancy, you should avoid excess heat and spicy food, also dont take non vegetarian food in large amount , try to eat vegetarian food only.
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Anonymous Name: reishabh
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

hello gowi,
during pergnancy you need to avoid outside food, like coffee and tea also you should avoid in pregnacy, it may be effect on baby health, also its not good for you too.
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Anonymous Name: resham
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

hello gowri,
in pregnancy you need to avoid junk food like pizzaa, burger, and fast food like frnkie, and dont eat outside food its not good at all for your health, and also drink boiled water only.
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Anonymous Name: gitanjali
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

hello gowri,
yes there is some things which is need to avoid in pregnancy, and also coffee caffeine would directly affect the womb, you can drink pregnancy, safe herbal tea also good for health.
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Anonymous Name: Helper
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

During pregnancy you need to avoid junk foods, oily foods, coffee & spicy food. Coffee has caffeine would directly affect the womb. You can drink pregnancy safe herbal tea from themomsco rather then caffee or tea.
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Anonymous Name: Jersey
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

Hi Mano,
So i think it would be better not to take more spicy food because it may effect the baby health.
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Anonymous Name: Jasmine
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

Hi lady,
During pregnancy there will be no various of foods like indian,chineses etc.You have to take only which is good protein and healthy for you and for your baby only.
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Anonymous Name: banu
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

Hi Gowri,
During pregnancy any women would not take food which would generate heat content in the body and it is good to avoid such food during pregnancy.
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Anonymous Name: Candy
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

Hi Gowri,
It is better not to take any spicy food which would create any acidity problem to you.And be careful in all aspects do not get strain so easily try to be more happy.
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Anonymous Name: Shailu
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

Hi Gowri,
During pregnancy timings it is better not to take that any heat contents which would generate for the body.Do prepare chart for all food items.And take care of your health also.
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Anonymous Name: Priya
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

Hi Gowri,
So can you say what type of food must be avoided also and then it would be really helpful for all the people who want to try also and they will be very thankful from all the people also.
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Anonymous Name: Alok
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

Hi Gowri,
COngrats to you that you had conceived and as per my knowledge there will not be any restriction for the pregnant ladies to be eaten also and can you share what would be taken and what not also.
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Anonymous Name: Ria
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

Hi Gowri
Yes! There is a list of food items that are supposed to be avoided during pregnancy. You should avoid food with excess heat. Find out about other food items as well and make a food chart.
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Anonymous Name: sruthi
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

Items that increases the body temperature are not generally used during pregnanacy.
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Anonymous Name: swathi
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

Hhello Gowri,
There were many food items to be avoided and even some fruits also to be avoided you need to find about them and then only you prepare the food chart so then your problem will be solved and you can have a happy diet also.
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Anonymous Name: Preethi
Subject:  RE:Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

Hello Gowri,
It would be better you need to take any food which is healthy also and i wish you would take the diet chart from the doctor and then you will get the proper food for you health also.I wish you would do that.
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Anonymous Name: lakshika
Subject:  ..

hey what are the things to be avoided while pregnancy???like roaming and all that
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Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

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Indian food items to avoid during pregnancy

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diet during pregnancy
Maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy is very important.

During this time, your body needs additional nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

In fact, you may need 350–500 extra calories each day during the second and third trimesters.

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