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Sleeping:Baby restless while sleeping...moms pls help
Name: ria

Hi ladies,

My 3.5 months old is quite restless while sleeping during night.Her hands and head is constanly keeps moving while her eyes are closed...she takes a sound sleep during day time.

Has anyone' s kid also experienced a same problem. I am worried. Pls help.
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Anonymous Name: Harsha
Subject:  RE:Baby restless while sleeping...moms pls help

Hi Ria,
It will be sure for every parent and then you have to be get habituated for all such things and these will be settled with in few months.
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Anonymous Name: Naveena
Subject:  RE:Baby restless while sleeping...moms pls help

Hi Ria,
Some people would make sounds while they are in asleep it would be due to some health problem like they will not have proper breathe also.So as time passes the problem will be solved also.
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Anonymous Name: Rashmitha
Subject:  RE:Baby restless while sleeping...moms pls help

Hi Ria,
Why do your baby will be restless does the baby will not play nicely and you have to go all these and then you can take him to doctor.
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Anonymous Name: Patro
Subject:  RE:Baby restless while sleeping...moms pls help

Hi Ria,
Sleep is the only time and work which we can do freely.Even for that also you are getting fear.Take free all issues nothing bad would happen.Try to be happy.
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Anonymous Name: Hasini
Subject:  RE:Baby restless while sleeping...moms pls help

Hi Ria,
It would be common for all babies that they will move all their parts during sleep.And some babies will sleep in morning and cries at nights.Until baby becomes one year this all will be repeat.
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Anonymous Name: Rita
Subject:  RE:Baby restless while sleeping...moms pls help

Hi Ria,
So can you say what would be good thing according to you and what step you had taken to solve the issue also and that would be better for all the people who do face the same problem also.
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Anonymous Name: Reena
Subject:  RE:Baby restless while sleeping...moms pls help

hi mother,
It is the common problem faced by all the parents and you need to find some solution for it and i think you had found that also can you share what it is and it might be useful for any parent also.
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Anonymous Name: Sara
Subject:  RE:Baby restless while sleeping...moms pls help

Hi Ria
You do not have to worry about it. It is a common problem with all the newly born babies and it is quite natural. Give it some time and it will be fine. babies usually feel restless during the night.
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Anonymous Name: keerthi
Subject:  RE:Baby restless while sleeping...moms pls help

Hey Ria

Don't worry ,its a very common problem for newly born kids,they will later get accustomed to the timings of yours.they usually feel restless while sleeping,later on they will get used to normal timings.
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Anonymous Name: aniket
Subject:  RE:Baby restless while sleeping...moms pls help

this are the common problems for some children.
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Anonymous Name: tanay
Subject:  RE:Baby restless while sleeping...moms pls help

the problems are common for some children or u can consult the doctor about this.
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Anonymous Name: Sujata
Subject:  hi

hi...even my 4 month old daughter is facing the same problem...she is quite restles while sleeping...she wants to move aroud, turn..did u try swaddling ur baby at night...i think that may help...
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Anonymous Name: sana
Subject:  try this

hi dear
may be he is suffering from RMP which is rapid eye movement pattern of sleeping which is normal and he will outgrow it.else its gas.try bonnisan from himalayas
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Anonymous Name: smita
Subject:  best of luck

Hi ria,

I was having same problem when my baby was one month old,now he is sleeping nicely.First of all u check whether his stomach is full or she wants little more milk,after feeding burp him properly , may be she has some gas,just try to put her in ur lap for sometime and see what happens , if she sleeps then she wants some worm of ur body.But most importannt is the gas problem,just try to get rid off this if she has.

Try all those let see what happen.
All the best.
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Anonymous Name: sonali
Subject:  try this

hi ria, babies donot sleep if they r not comfortable. check the bedding u have for the lil one is ok. check if she is over dressed/underdressed. dont out too many sweaters on for her f its not too cold. check her tummy. if its warm then u can remove one sweater and so on.
also check if she is uncomfortable when u tuch her tummy, it cud be gas as well. dont lull her to sleep in the day and try to burp her well in nite.
try these and let us know
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Anonymous Name: Anu
Subject:  Same problem :-(

Hi all,
I have posted the same kind of problem that which i am facin with my 3 1/2 months old baby boy....

pls help me...n do pls read my message more worried abt my son than my sleepless nights....pls help
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