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Adoption:want 2 adopt a girl child-
Name: s.k. patna

we both are working people . it is badluck 4 us that despite of all medical treatmment available we are yet to blessed with a child . we decided to adopt a new born child preferably girls . plz help us to give detail of adopting agency who take in lesser waiting time anywhere in india. plz help us
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Anonymous Name: Pari
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

Oh my god this is really good news and you should celebrate this as adopting a child is one of the best thing in the world as you are giving a re birth to child and making the future for the child so this is the best thing in life what you are doing.
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Anonymous Name: Shreeja
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

My friend if you want i can guide and help you in this for sure and that too you will able to adopt a child for sure as we are running an ngo in Delhi so please feel free to contact us and we can take things ahead from here. All the best dear for your future.
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Anonymous Name: Cr
Subject:  RE:RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

We want to adopt a new born girl baby
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Anonymous Name: Suman
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

Hi there what a great thought but please tell me one thing is your husband ready for the same as husbands are very much against such things and you are very lucky i must say, please be happy as you are going to fulfill your dreams so all the best.
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Anonymous Name: Aditi
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

According to me this is the best decision and one thing please beware with fraudsters as you will not know and you will conned so please think twice in getting all such things and please do well research on the same as well.
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Anonymous Name: Anushree
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

Hello mrs patna one thing is for sure that you have taken a right decision and would like to congratulate you in this, please feel free to discuss more on it as myself had gone through this procedure and i am aware of all the legalities required in this.
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Anonymous Name: Anu
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

Hi dear what a lovely though i must say that you will be blessed with good child and will pray for you for sure, please be positive and every thing will be in place and you will be happy very soon, so all the best dear and will look forward for your post.
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Anonymous Name: Anaida
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

Hi dear this is really sad to see that you are still not blessed with a child how many years you are been married if you can reply so that i can guide you in this matter and will surely be a great help for you as well, all the best dear for your future.
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Anonymous Name: Anita
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

Hey dear this is really good to see that you guys are planing to adopt a child and one thing is for sure that you should always go a reputed orphanage as nowadays this is a business and they will tell you all sorts of things which are illegal and should not go with them.
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Anonymous Name: Komal
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

I wish to adopt a 1 year baby girl
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Anonymous Name: suchit
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

So sorry to hear that nature has not blessed you both with a baby child. i feel proud of you that you both are going for an adoption doing a great job. you can contact various NGO through google. all the best for future you are really doing great job god bless you both.
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Anonymous Name: Neelam
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

Hi SK, there are a lot of adoption center in every city you can just go and make a visit to these center and get details about the procedure. You can adopt a child from the place where procedures are less.
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Anonymous Name: Samprati
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

If you want the adoption to be quick so that you can start a happy family then i think you should directly contact the family who would like to give their baby for adoption. In this way you will save some of the formalities.
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Anonymous Name: NN
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

You can contact a good agency for the adoption as soon as possible and see how much time does it usually takes for the entire procedure to complete and is it possible to adopt acc to your choice or you get the child who is ready.
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Anonymous Name: Sakshi
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

Have you ever heard about surrogacy? There are many people people who are going for surrogacy these days as genetically it is your own child so many prefer that. Search about it and see what complications are there in it.
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Anonymous Name: Sakshi
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

Adoption is quite a long process. You have to go under many steps to first qualify then you will have to get all the documents verifies and when everything is done you will have to wait for the availability of a child.
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Anonymous Name: NN
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

Search for well know agencies online and contact them. Ask them how much time will it take for the entire procedure and till well will be able to adopt a baby. The one that estimates the least time you can proceed with them.
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Anonymous Name: Nona
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

These things take time because proper verification is to be done to make sure they family the child is about to go are capable of raising a child properly or not. Only then the applications are passed and the baby is given.
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Anonymous Name: Anju
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

Hi Patna,
Adoption is good decision which you had taken and i wish you will not face any problems for the process.
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Anonymous Name: Kiran
Subject:  RE:want 2 adopt a girl child-

Hi PAtna,
Many people will refuse to give birth for girl child and in case if they deliver to baby girl.They will leave the baby at some places.But you have decided to adopt baby girl and god will give you.
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