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Routine Tests:Hypothyroidism recovery?
Name: tina

I am 31 year single women.. few months Ago I felt mild swelling at my neck, doctor adviced me for thyroide testing.. in test report I had mild goiter n my TSH level is 30.12 while my T3 n T4 level is normal... I never felt any hypothyroide symptoms n my periodes are also normal but due to mild goiter n eleveted TSH doctor prescribed me daily dose of eltroxine 100 mg n becadeximine.. n I am on medicine from last 4 month.. so is it possible to completly recover from hypothyroidism.. i also had cholk eating habit bt i had stop that for while..
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Anonymous Name: Pranith
Subject:  RE:Hypothyroidism recovery?

Hi Tina, i would say try to keep your body fit and fine half of the problem gets solved there itself. So try to go for walking for fitness center on daily basis till you get a proper body shape.
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Anonymous Name: NN
Subject:  RE:Hypothyroidism recovery?

Doctors say that if you take meds properly and eat well you can get rid of the thyroid problem but it is not so they just say it for your moral boost. Your meds might go from strong to mild but won't stop.
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Anonymous Name: NN
Subject:  RE:Hypothyroidism recovery?

It is said that people get craving of eating chalk and everything like that if their body is deficient in calcium. Thyroid problem are said to be the leading cause of the body being calcium deficient before of the hormone imbalance.
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Anonymous Name: NN
Subject:  RE:Hypothyroidism recovery?

Well complete recovery depends on your body like how well your body responds to the medicines. Continue your medicines for a year and then get tested again and show the reports to your doctor. He will tell you what will be best to be done.
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Anonymous Name: bela
Subject:  RE:Hypothyroidism recovery?

hi tina, its so much common problem in ladies so dont worry about this at all , try to keep yourself happy and take proper food and medicine too.
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Anonymous Name: pravin
Subject:  RE:Hypothyroidism recovery?

swelling around neck is a basic symptoms of thyrodism, so its recover only with the help of medicine and diet, so timing of food keep it stable, and eat medicine on time.
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Anonymous Name: ruhana
Subject:  RE:Hypothyroidism recovery?

hi tina, dont think much on that because tension also reason for thyroidism, so follow diet of doctor, and take medicine on daily withour forget.
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Anonymous Name: sV
Subject:  Yes its possible.i got it reversed

I got hypothyroidism after 2nd baby.
Its didn't change till one yer,finally a naturopath , who changedy diet and focussed on nutrition some famous goitrogensalso were mandatory part of my diet like cabbage etcbut Not soya ..
As my do clearly said its a conspiracy of big pharmaceuticals to make Money on these drugs..
Cruciferous vegs were made mandaTory as they have Glutathione and also lots of vitamin d and ghee to absorb vit d..
Best of luck
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Anonymous Name: Xyz
Subject:  hypothyroidism

It's not reversible. follow a diet devoid of goitrotegic food like soy,cabbage,peanuts.Take tablet daily n be positive
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