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What Does a Daughter Need From Her Mother?

What Does a Daughter Need From Her Mother?
What does a daughter need from her mother? Here are a few tips and guidelines to establish a good mother and daughter relationship.

Every child needs a mother as well as a father. Nature has created specific roles for parents. In the earlier times, men used to go out and hunt for food while the women stayed back. As times changed and the world developed, we often see a change in the type of parent’s role. Nowadays, due to rise of prices and increased cost of living, most families have women who go out and work. Women are no longer staying at home and they manage both family and career together.
A daughter is often expected to learn from her mother. However, some girls are unfortunate and do not have an ideal set of parents. Mothers should always set a positive example for their daughters. Following are a few things which a girl needs from her mom:

A Good Companion

A mother should be a good companion for her daughter. Whether it is discussing career or home, she should try to encourage her daughter and support her. Daughters often need their mother if they are looking for advice. During the initial stages, a father may be very close to his daughter however as girls grow up they look for a female companion who they can share their secrets with and talk to. During childhood, everybody is equal however as we grow we realize that each parent is different.

A Close Confidante

There is a famous book by a single and divorced father on how difficult it was to bring up his daughter once she entered her teens. There were so many things which she could not discuss with her dad. Mothers are generally the ones whom daughters trust more as they grow up. Girls often feel more comfortable to discuss certain issues with mother instead of father. Hence, bring up your daughter in such a way that she is proud of both her parents.

A Good Role Model

Here are a few things a mother can teach and do for her daughter in order to become a good role model for her.

Do Not Put Down the Father

Do not criticize your daughter’s father in front of her all the time. While men may have their own limitations, you cannot expect everything from everyone. Many a time husbands and fathers are not happy to come home because they are not respected. Daughters should learn to love and respect their father and be happy. Unless it is a serious situation like alcoholism or domestic violence, build a loving relationship with your husband and teach your girl the importance of her father.

Teach Your Daughter that Looks are Not Everything

Sometimes girls become overly obsessed with beauty and looks once they reach the teenage or adult phase. Thus, teach your daughter that looking good is not the only thing which matters. Mothers should advice their daughters on various important stages in their life and let them know that they will be loved no matter what. Beauty and looks are temporary as they fade away with time. However, build your daughter’s confidence and let her know that there is more to life than external appearances and make-up.

Support Your Daughter

A mother and daughter’s relationship should be based on mutual love and trust. Tell your daughter that her parents will support her and stand by her no matter what. Support the career choices she makes and help her to build a strong network of friends. A daughter needs a mother to clarify all her doubts in life. She needs someone who is more like a friend.

Do not ignore your daughter whenever she calls you up. Tell her to not worry and remember that she may or may not end up becoming like you. However, respect her decisions and try to ensure that she can turn to you whenever she is looking for worldly advice.

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