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Hair Care:boys being nude
Name: akshara

dear anirudha
ya the boy on whom the ceremony is performed has to be without any clothes ie nude,though some ceremonies(like upanayanam) might allow the boy to be in a loincloth.there are lot of reasons for this emphasis on the boy being naked.

during the headshave,as a lot of hair falls,it would make the clothes unwearable and there would be no washing facility.also the hair which falls is considered to be unholy and hence if the boy is naked ,the fallen hair can be washed off his body when he is given a bath after the ceremony.another reason is that tonsure takes place in the open and due to the heat,the boy will definitely be comfortable without these are the reasons for boys being tonsured without clothes

for the ear piercing,the boy is expected to be in a ' pure' state ie,physically pure in the natural state,which is being also promotes mental purity and being one with the also marks the transition of the boy into a more feminine state,and as narayan said the boy is usually adorned with other ornaments as well to complete the transition
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Anonymous Name: akshara
Subject:  depends

thats an interesting question,but as i have not personally performed this ceremony on my brother or anyone ,i do not know.the person who performs the ceremony has to decide these nephew ,who has been feminized goes to girls toilet.ofcourse he behaves like a girl only..
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Anonymous Name: anirudha
Subject:  ceremony

its ok i understand wat bout his toilet
will he go to ladies for all these years
wat his socail life will he behave like women.
how u tret him as women
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