My 7 yr old insists on watching TV shows like Chhota Bheem on a daily basis as the friends in schools and classes hold a daily discussion on the topics. I need to stop this as it is upsetting to him mimic these fictional characters all day long.
This is something that all the parents are faced with in todays time. The kids feel included if they are able to fit in every bit of their friends. The task for a parent is to talk to the child and if stubborn, enforce strict TV time.
Agree with Nisha. Also try and find out the names of friends pushing for this show and maybe you can get talking with their parents and a group solution can be worked upon limiting the show and TV time. Or if nothing works, just plug out the idiot box or introduce password for the set top box.
It is important to be tough on certain issues with kids to avoid them from straying away. A word with the class teacher should help. That's on authority the kids this age fear. She can try and explain the pros and cons of television and the kind of programmes to look out for over cartoons like Chhota Bheem. Alternately, teach the child to channelise the good and bad content of the show and replicate the good in his behaviour.
Hi all, to peer pressure is the most common problem between teenagers and even children. Children usually choose their friends, peers according to their ages, classes, who have similar interests, same liking, who have same experiences and many more reasons. It is for sure that your son has friends who watch chota bheem may be all of them watch it. It is quite natural for him also to watch so, so that he can cope up with his friends and doesn’t feel left out or is scared that friends might make fun of him. There is no need to worry because this is a normal human tendency to listen and learn from others.
Hi I can understand your problem as even I have been through this when my son was small. It is quite natural as children start growing up they start making their own choices and these peers have a lot of impact during these days as they are surrounded by them during school hours, classes. These peers play an important role in their life as they are away from home spending most of their time with them than us. During this time they tend to develop close friendships and get connected to each other by same likings, choices and try to get compatible.
Hello, I personally think that this peer pressure is not always negative, there is also a positive side to this thing. Children choose friends of same age from school, classes, sports and all. The most common issue in children is to get influenced by their peers. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s bad. Mostly when they are small there is no such risk that they might do anything wrong or get into trouble. They are innocent and like to dress up and act like their friends and also like to see what their friends watch. I personally think there is no harm in this.
My son also watches chota bheem and enacts like him. I have seen so many kids who watch TV and start enacting the same way. Mostly all of this happens because of peer pressure and it is natural of them to compare themselves with their peers and even wish that they would be like them. This is a normal condition and nothing to worry about, majority of the kids do so. The reason behind as this being that they want to fit in their peer group, be equal to them, do what they want to do and also want what others have.
I am a mother of two and I can totally understand what you are going through right now. Our children are small and can be handled smartly. You can make them understand properly that what they want and what they want to do. You can tell them that coping your friend every time cannot be good for him. If you wish you can take the help of teachers, counsellors, guidance or you can comfortably talk to him. Talk more about the benefits, you can also say that watching cartoon continuous is not good just because your friend likes it.
This is the most common problem I have heard about children trying to do exactly the same what their peers try to do. Today children feel that friendship is the most important thing and friends are everything. They bond easily with each other due to same likings and experiences. There are plenty of things in the positive side like if the peers your child has are doing well in studies then he also wishes to do the same. Watching chota bheem might be temporary, once he grows up he will definitely start understanding what is more important.
Children at this stage are quite innocent and do not understand what is good or bad and right or wrong for them. You can make them understand what is right and wrong. It is never a bad thing to have peers, in fact it is a very good thing that the child is socialising and not left alone and lost in his own world. This also indicates that he is active enough to do things and might also develop interest in certain things which might be helpful for his future. Peer influence is quite common and not a reason to worry.
If you are too irritated by the continuous distraction which he has then you can restrict his TV watching time and if you are determined children listen because of fear. Do not make them scared, allow them to watch what they want but with a certain time limit. You can also meet their teachers and ask them to teach them and explain them the pros and cons of the things which they watch and how much they watch. You can inspire them to do what they like and help them develop their likings in sports or other cultural activities.