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You are here : home > Raising Children > Entertaining Children > Make Your Children Enjoy Staying at Home during the 21 Day Lockdown

Make Your Children Enjoy Staying at Home during the 21 Day Lockdown

Make Your Child Enjoy Staying at Home during Vacations

Make your children enjoy staying at home during the 21 day lockdown by keeping them engaged in fun indoor activities. Learn some creative ideas that will help you make your children stay at home and enjoy. It is also a great opportunity for you to bring about a life changing transformation in your children.

Parents find it really very difficult to keep their children engaged in activities when they have to stay indoors during the times of emergencies. Well, nothing is hard if you know the tricks and find out ways in which you can encourage your children to enjoy staying indoors. You must know how to spark creativity and fun at home to help your child enjoy staying at home. Everyone has to be isolated.

Life can be hectic for most of you at times and this is the time when parenting seems to be the most difficult and challenging task. One of the most tedious one is when your kids have to stay at home during the lockdowns and you want them to enjoy the time. Well, here are some tips and creative ideas that will help you make your children stay at home and have a lot of fun during such times too.

Tell Stories

Tell Stories
During the lockdown you will get ample of time to unwind and stay away from the everyday hustle and bustle. This is the time when you can tell interesting moral based stories. Tell them stories which can help them when they have to face adversities in life suddenly. Telling them value based stories can prepare them to face the ups and downs in their life effectively.

Explain the Present Scenario

Explain the Present Scenario
Explain to your children what the current situation is outdoors and why they have to be indoors for so many days. Tell them what they should learn from the present situation and how the learning from the present situation can help them in their future life. Also train them what they must do if they have to face the situation similar or worse than the present times.

Pray Together

Pray Together
Develop a habit of praying together. This is the time when you must not only pray along with your children for the safety of your family but also for those who are struggling. Pray for the families of victims, pray for the helpers, public servants, health workers and all those who are playing an important role in bringing the situation under control.

Exercise Together

Exercise Together
This is the great time to get back into shape. Spend at least an hour doing simple exercises. You can also practice and teach yoga to your children. There are many videos and tutorials available online that you can refer to. You can surely have a fit and healthy family by the time the lockdown period is over.

Write Down Your Family Goals

Write Down Your Family Goals
Jot down the goals of your family with your children. Tell your children to write down what they want to become in future. Motive them to write down about the steps that they are going to take to be a successful individual in life. The more you and family members are specific about the goals, the more you all will get closer to them when everything is normal.

Play Quizzes and Board Games

Play Quizzes and Board Games
Spend some time playing quizzes and board games with your children. You can find many quizzes online. You can play board games like carrom, snake and ladder, ludo etc. There are many other board games that you can enjoy with your children.

Encourage Your Child's Interests

Encourage Your Child's Interests
Every child has her own interest and where some like to colour and paint, some prefer singing. Let your child feel free to rhyme and make poetry of her own. You can also let her make some paintings from her imagination. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that let her do something that she loves by giving her some tips also. You can also allow your child to make something out of craft by giving her paper.

Craft Time

Craft Time
Children love to tear papers. You can show your child how she can make different things by tearing the papers.

Allow Gorilla Art

Allow Gorilla Art
You will be surprised to learn how creative your child is if you allow her to work on easy gorilla art projects. She will give eyes to everyday products and write sugar, salt, tea and other names on the respective bottles and jars if allowed.

Use Your Creativity

Use Your Creativity
Along with engaging your child in activities that you can do together or your children would do on their own, you can club together and enjoy music and dancing or perhaps making a collage will make your children extremely happy and satisfied and will engage them for hours or may be days also.

Use this time as an opportunity to boost the strength of your family. Create wonderful memories and learn from this testing time so that you, your children and other family members are well prepared to face any kind of adversities. Look for the happy days ahead. Try to bring a positive transformation in your children and raise them into physically and mentally strong individuals. In this way they can develop an ability to surpass any kind of difficulty or problem which may arise in their life in future.

How to help children stay happy during the lockdown period? What kind of activities can children carry out when they have to stay indoors? How can staying indoors help parents to boost their overall development? Discuss here.

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Barkha.5 years ago
It is important to keep children busy during vacations.
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