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Home Remedies for Cold in Children

Home Remedies for Cold in Children
Instead of relying over-the-counter medicines for common ailments in children, it is better to choose home remedies. Let us take a look at some common and simple home remedies for treating cold in children.

All parents know how often children get afflicted by cold. Weather changes, infections, having an ice cream, or even pollution and dust; anything can cause a cold in children. As a parent you would always want to help your child recover as soon as possible. Those few days of suffering your child goes through pains you equally.
There are several medicines available in the store for cold but all of them have chemicals in them which are not exactly healthy for your child and may cause side effects. Therefore, home remedies that naturally cure your child’s cold without affecting her or his health are the best. These are cures that have been tried and tested by parents over the years and hence are perfectly safe.

Vapour Rub

Several vapour rubs are available in the stores which promise instant relief from colds but they inadvertently contain petroleum jelly which is definitely not healthy for your child. The good news is you can make a vapour rub at home for your child. It is not only easy but also cheap. And it also works for adults.
You basically have to mix two tablespoons of olive oil, seven to eight drops of eucalyptus oil in a clean jar and mix it. The rub is soothing and helps your child breathe. Massage the oil on the chest.

Nasal Rinse

Children are a mess when they have cold. They spew mucous everywhere which is a nuisance. The perfect solution is a saline rinse. It unclogs the blocked nose and helps your child sleep at night. It is important to get the right saline rinse. Do not go for a saline drop go for a saline spray.
The drops would not go up your child’s nose. Get your kids used to saline sprays from a young age. Get the bottles with a sprayer nozzle that will successfully help in rinsing out the clogged mucous and your child expels it.

Tulsi and Honey

Tulsi (Holy Basil) and honey are age old remedies for curing cold in children. Wash Tulsi leaves properly and grind them to extract juice. Mix the juice of Tulsi leaves with honey and your ideal syrup for curing cold and cough is ready. Store it in a clean air tight container.
Give this syrup three times a day continuously for four to five days. It is the best ayurvedic remedy to cure cold and cough in children. However, do confirm with pediatrician before giving it to your child.

Oil massage

Combine about half a cup of mustard oil with some garlic cloves and heat it till they are incorporated. When the oil cools down, use it to massage your child’s chest and feet. This mixture has anti bacterial and anti viral properties. It also warms the body and unclogs noses. It relieves sore throat and soothes your kid.

Carrot juice

Carrots are said to work well in fighting the symptoms of cold. It relieves the throat and soothes inflammation. Extract the juice from fresh organic carrots. Mix it with cold water to dilute it. This mixture can be given to kids above six months. It has been found to be helpful.

Tomato Garlic Soup

A cure popular in India is tomato garlic soup also known as rasam. This soup can be given to children above seven months. The concoction helps boost the immunity system and quickly cures them of cold. The tangy flavor makes kids love it.
To make rasam, put garlic, basil leaves, some tomato, cumin, aniseed and pepper in a blender. Sautee some mustard seeds in a wok of oil till fragrant. Add the blended mixture and sauté it for some time. Add water to it and simmer till the water reduces. Season and serve.
Cold will no more be a hassle with these home remedies.

Which home remedies are useful and safe for treating cold in children? How to cure cold in children? How to prevent cold in children? Discuss here.

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Barkha.8 years ago
Turmeric milk is a good home remedy for dealing with cough and cold in children. Even adults can try it. Raw turmeric boiled in milk can give better results. You can also add clove, cinnamon to it. It tastes great.
Ishika.8 years ago
No doubt tulsi leaves are the best home remedy for dealing with cold in children but it tastes bitter so they don't take it. But honey makes it a tastier option for them.
Siya.8 years ago
I have tried tulsi and honey many time for cold in my child. It is the best remedy for dealing with cold and it works really well.
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