Parents must understand the cause behind early puberty and stunted growth in children. Such knowledge can enable parents to help children deal with these issues or prevent them to a greater extent. Read on to learn about the causes behind early puberty and stunted growth.In today’s world, these are common issues faced by kids everywhere. While puberty never hit children before the age of fourteen or fifteen or at the most twelve in the past, these days, two out of every four kids face the problem of either early puberty or failure in proper growth. Even though nobody has been able to pinpoint the exact reason for these developments, there are some theories about the causes of these problems.
Early Puberty
Puberty has been striking kids at very early ages these days. There have been cases where puberty has hit six-year-old children. At this age, children do not know how they need to deal with puberty. Rather they do not even comprehend the meaning of puberty well enough. So, that becomes a growing problem for both the child experiencing it and the parents who have to deal with it. There can be quite a few reasons for puberty to come this early.
Certain illnesses kick start puberty much earlier than they are supposed to start. Problems like tumours or certain infections force start the process of hormone secretion by the pituitary gland, thereby setting puberty rolling early. So, if a child has been faced with
puberty early, then there must have been this kind of an illness or problem that the child faced earlier in life.
Another important reason for early puberty, mostly among girls is
obesity. It is common knowledge now that the rate of obesity has increased dangerously in today’s world. So, if your child has fallen prey to the evil called obesity, there is a greater chance of him or her
facing puberty earlier than intended.
Stunted Growth in Children
Another problem among children today is failure in proper growth. While the early days saw taller and healthier children, the facts today state that these days children are either too short or thin or have fallen prey to obesity. But this is not due to any one reason. Many factors come into play, which stop a child from proper growth.
Reasons for Stunted Growth
Here are some of the reasons for
stunted growth among children.
Genetic Factors
Genes are the most common reason for stunted growth. The structure of the people in a family is all very similar. Certain kinds of genes get transferred from one generation to another and this most definitely includes the growth gene. So, if most of the family members are on the shorter side then a child’s stunted growth should not come as a surprise.
Another reason for stunted growth among children is puberty. If puberty is late, then the child will face growth problems. Often, the arrival of puberty brings along a sudden growth spurt. So, if you child has not been growing properly off late, wait for puberty to hit them.
Another of the common causes of stunted growth among children is malnutrition. For proper growth, a child needs to follow a
proper diet and eat a certain amount of food daily. Also, the food items need to be rich in nutrients. If children do not get the right amount of food, it usually leads to stunted growth.
Health Issues
One more reason for stunted growth is diseases. Diseases make children fragile and sick which prohibits growth to a certain extent. This in turn makes them shorter and thinner. So, for proper growth to occur, such diseases need to be gotten rid of.
As parents of little ones, you should pay proper attention to these little details. They will help you to take precautionary measure against these problems. Even if they cannot be cured completely, they can be cured to some extent. So use this knowledge wisely!
What are the causes behind early puberty and stunted growth in children? How to prevent early puberty and stunted growth in children? In what ways can parents help children to deal with early puberty and stunted growth? Discuss here.