Natural Remedies For Getting Rid Of Dandruff - by Editor

Natural Remedies for Getting Rid of Dandruff

If you are finding it difficult to cope with persistent dandruff problem, then do not worry. Have patience and try treating dandruff through the following natural ways.
Dandruff is a hair and scalp problem which is quite common during winter season. It is a very embarrassing hair condition that one has to face often as there are many reasons behind this. If you face this hair problem often, you must learn the reasons and how you can get rid of dandruff through natural remedies.
Dandruff is a kind of fungal infection on the scalp and it is infectious. Dandruff can erupt due to exposure to heat and cold. It causes itchiness and creates scores of dry skin flakes on the scalp. If you have been facing this problem and find yourself in embarrassing situations often, there are home remedies that can help you treat dandruff without harming your hair or scalp.
Reasons Behind Dandruff Eruption
Although, no one can tell exactly why dandruff is caused, poor hygiene along with some other reasons can cause this hair problem.

1. Dry Skin

If you have drier skin you are more likely to develop dandruff in your hair. Your problem may rise during winter season.

2. Yeast Allergy

Many people are allergic to yeast that is present in free air and hence have higher risk of getting dandruff.

3. Not Brushing Hair Properly

Brushing your hair means allowing your dead skin on the scalp to come on the top of your head. This helps the scalp get fresh air. So, if you do not spend proper time to brush your hair, the dead skin does not get a chance to come out which results in dandruff. Brushing your hair properly will also increase blood circulation.

4. Not Cleaning Your Hair Frequently

If you do not keep your hair clean, dandruff is likely to develop. This is because of the excess build up of dead skin and oil on your scalp.

5. Improper Diet

Diet that includes less fat and essential vitamins as well as zinc can cause dandruff on your scalp.

6. Stress

Stress has direct connection to dandruff. So, stay away from stress even when you are treating dandruff through natural ways.
Natural Remedies for Dandruff
Here are some natural remedies which you can follow to get rid of dandruff.

Yogurt and Pepper

Believe it or not, this is one of the simplest and proven methods of getting rid of dandruff. Grind 2 teaspoonful of fresh black pepper and add it to 1 cup of yogurt and mix thoroughly. Apply this mixture on scalp and leave it for 1 hour and then rinse it with a mild shampoo. Just keep in mind that you apply this mixture on scalp and not on hair.

Lemon Juice and Oil

Mix well one part of lemon juice to five parts of coconut oil. Apply this on your scalp thoroughly and leave it for 20 minutes or half an hour. Wash off using mild shampoo. Do this regularly to get rid of dandruff.


Soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds overnight and grind them to make a paste. Apply this paste on scalp and leave it for half an hour and then wash off with mild shampoo.

Apple Cider Vinegar

After rinsing your hair thoroughly, rinse it with apple cider vinegar and then with water.


Garlic has natural antibiotic properties which kill the bacteria on the scalp. You simply have to mash it and make a paste of garlic and apply on the scalp. Leave it for half an hour and rinse using mild shampoo.
When you are treating dandruff in natural ways, you should keep in mind that the home remedies are not going to do miracles. To get desirable results, you will have to have patience and use one of the remedies until dandruff goes for good. If you are allergic to any of the above mentioned ingredients, you must avoid them.

How to take care of hair in order to prevent dandruff? Why is the problem of dandruff common in winters? What are the ways of getting rid of dandruff without damaging the hair? Discuss here.

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