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You are here : home > Food and Nutrition > Eat Healthy Eat Right > Foods Kids Should Avoid During Summers

Foods Kids Should Avoid During Summers

During summers kids should follow a healthy diet as poor eating habits can make them fall sick. Read on to know more about the foods which kids should avoid eating during summers.

Summer season is time for kids to enjoy cool drinks and have fun. However, different types of diseases can be caused during this season to the kids as well as adults if right care is not taken.
Various reasons can be blamed when it comes to the illness in children during the summer time. Improper food habit during summer is also one of the main causes which can enhance the chances of various health related issues to the kids. Here are some foods which you should avoid giving your kids during summers.

Avoid Extra Spicy Foods

This is very common to the most of the parents that the kids’ do not like to have foods without spicy flavour which brings out the ultimate taste of the various dishes. The extra spicy foods can cause stomach ache, nausea or any other abdominal problems as kids' body cannot digest the foods properly during summer. The rich, spicy foods can also cause acidity as the foods do not digest accurately.

Street Foods

Most of the street foods get bacterial or viral contamination during summer. So, try to avoid all the street foods as most of the cases the foods are uncovered. The dust particles smoke and other harmful particles also contaminate with the foods. These all together are caused various types of problems in your child’s health. The spices of these types of foods also affect kids’ digestive system severely.

Soft Drinks

Most of the kids love to have soft drinks in summer as it provides instant refreshment and coolness but consuming any types of cola is absolutely harmful to the kids as well as to the adults. Chilled soft drinks or ice cube added soft drinks equally cause illness to the kids. Intake of a huge amount of soft drinks can cause multiple health related problems to the kids. So, try to avoid soft drinks consumptions in your kids.

Fast Foods

Try not to buy fast foods for your kids during summer. Most of the fast foods contain a huge amount of oily substances which causes multiple diseases to the kids. Heavy oily foods can accumulate fat in your child’s body which may cause tiredness in your kids. Your kids may feel very hot due to heavy fat consumption. So the hotdogs, pizzas, and burgers ingestion should be minimized during the summer season.

Fried Foods

Almost all types of fried foods are very much popular to the kids in all around the world. Fried foods also contain a huge amount of oil just like fast foods. These oily substances affect similarly just like the other fast foods and street foods to your kids. So, chicken nuggets, potato chips and French fries should be avoided during summers. All the fried foods enhance the warmth in your child’s body which makes them feel even hotter.

Canned Foods

It is the basic instinct that the canned foods get infected by viruses or bacteria during summer. It is very tough to know from outside and even while cooking that the food is absolutely fresh or not. If the bacterial or viral infected foods are cooked then it can cause food poison or other severe stomach aches to your kids which all are absolutely unwanted.
Apart from the above-mentioned food substances, there are also various types of foods available in the markets which must be avoided during summers to keep your children fit and healthy. Red meat, packaged cookies, Microwave popcorns and cheese based heavy foods are also very much harmful during summer. So, take a good care of your child’s diet during summer by avoiding all the health injurious foods.

Which foods should be avoided by kids during summers? What kind of foods should be included in the diet of kids during summers? What are the disadvantages of having poor diet during summers? Discuss here.

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Sarbani.8 years ago
We must avoid giving foods like eggs, dried fruits etc which are heat inducing foods in summers. Mangoes should also be consumed in moderation.
Hemali.8 years ago
Heat inducing foods should also be avoided during summers.
Abhishek.8 years ago
Such foods should not only avoided by kids in summers but also during all seasons.
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