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You are here Home > Recipes > Mughlai Cuisine > Kadhai Paneer (hot) Recipe

Main Course Recipe by Mittal Dave

 30 Minutes  2 Persons

1 medium onion
1 green chilli
2 tbsp oil
3 bayleaves (optional)
1 tsp coriander
small piece ginger
2 cloves garlic
3 - 4 tomatoes (tinned if possible)
250 grams paneer
2½ tsp red chilli powder
¼ tsp haldi
2 tsp salt
½ tsp cinnamon
1½ tbsp honey
1½ tsp lemon juice

1. Slice the medium onion finely, and cut one green chilli into little     rings.

2. In a pan, add oil and heat it. Add the onion, chilli and bayleaves.     Add the coriander seeds (dhana jeera) and stir on medium / low     heat.

3. In the meantime, peel and cut the ginger and garlic into little     pieces and add in the kadhai, stir it.

4. Blend the tomatoes using a mixer and make a puree. Add it in the     pan.

5. Then chop the paneer into little squares of 3cm x 2cm and add it     in the pan. Stir it.

6. Add the red chilli powder, haldi, salt, cinnamon, honey and lemon.     Stir it and allow it to cook on medium heat for another 10 minutes     until the paneer is soft.


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