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S i t e ' s F r e q u e n t l y A s k e d Q u e s t i o n s
Welcome to's help section. In order to find answers to queries regarding a particular topic, please click on one of the links given below or scroll down through the page to locate an answer to your query.

Registration at our site
Q. Why do I need to register and what benefits do I get?
A. You need to register and become a member of our site in order to use the various interactive features at our site and to receive our weekly Due Date newsletter.

The various features requiring registration include Message Boards, Baby Photo Contests, Lucky Names, E-Cards, Baby Names, Birth Announcements, Baby Name Polls and Games.

Q. Is there any charge for registration?
A. No. Registration at our site is absolutely FREE!

Q. How do I register at the website?
A. Registration at our site is very simple. All you need to do is fill out a form, after which you receive a mail at your Email Id registered with us, in order to activate your account. Click here to become a member now!.

Q. How do I log in to the website?
A. You can log in to our site by using the 'Login Form' on our Home Page. The login form can be found just below the navigation bar, on the right hand side of our Home Page. Click here to go to our Home Page.

Q. Why do I receive an error saying that my login has not been activated?
A. At the time of registration you should have received an email to activate your account with us. In case you did not activate the account, you will receive a 'Login not activated' error while trying to use any feature that requires your login to be activated.

Q. I have not received the account activation mail
A. Check the following to solve the problem:

  • Check your junk mails settings in order to make sure that mails from are not filtered as junk mails;

  • Have you inserted the right email address while registering. In case you haven't, the mails will not reach your email account and you will not be able to activate your account;

  • If the above reasons do not apply, please send a mail containing your login details, to

Q. How do I edit my registration details?
A. You can edit your registration by clicking on the 'Edit your registration' given below your name, on the Home Page, in the space given where the login form is placed. This option will be visible to you, only if you are logged in to our site. Click here to edit your registartion now.

Q. I have forgotten my login id and password details.
A. You can retrieve your login id and password details by clicking on the link 'Forgot your password', given below the 'Login Form' which can be found just below the navigation bar, on the right hand side corner of our Home Page. By clicking on this link, your login id and password details will be mailed to you at your email address registered with our site.

Contributor's Section
Q. What is the Contributor's Section and why was it started?
A. The Contributor's Section was initiated as a mark of our appreciation to our members who have contributed to in some way or the other. This section is dedicated to all the contributors and contains a list of their profile and contributions. Click here to go to the Contributor's Section.

Q. I want to contribute my articles,poems and recipes. What is the procedure?
A. You can contribute your original articles, poems and other material to us by submitting them using the link 'Contribute an article' or 'Contribute a recipe' given in the menu on the left hand side of the Contributor's Section. The procedure requires you to submit the article using the links mentioned earlier, after which it will go through our regular editorial procedures requiring approval for publishing and some content editing, if necessary.

Q. Will my name be mentioned as the author of the article?
A. Yes. Your name will be mentioned in the article, as the contributor/author of the article. It will also show up next to the article's name, on the index page of the relevant section in which the article is put up. The article, if uploaded, will also show up in the list of articles submitted by you in the Contributor's Section under your profile, in case you have submitted one.

Q. How do I add or edit my profile?
A. You can add or edit your profile by clicking on the link 'Add your Profile' or 'Edit your Profile' given in the menu on the left hand side of the Contributor's Section.

Q. I have added my profile, but I still don't see it.
A. Once you submit your profile details to us, the pages need to be prepared and added to the section. This procedure takes some time. As soon as your name is put up by us, you will be able to view your name.

Q. What all should I keep in mind while writing an article?
A. Click here to find out in detail.


Baby Photo Contest
Q. Do I need to pay anything to register for the contest?
A. No. You do not need to pay anything in order to register for our contests and there are no hidden costs also. This feature is a part of our FREE Services provided to all our valued members.

Q. What are the requirements for taking part in the Baby Photo Contest
A. The rules/requirements for the Baby Photo Contests are given below:

  • Registered Member: You should be a registered member of in order to enter your baby in the contests or vote for your baby;

  • Age: The contestant's age should be less than 3 years;

  • Format of photo: The photograph should be in 'gif' or 'jpeg' format only. Please confirm the clarity of the photo before submitting it. Photographs which are not clear or legible, will not be accepted (especially those taken from the Mobile phone).

  • Dimensions of the photo: The photograph must be exactly 150X200 pixels, our standard size. We are unable to upload entries due to an overload of picture size. Therefore, kindly send us the required size and format. Your co-operation to make the process easier and faster will be truly appreciated.

Q. Are there any terms and conditions for the contests?
A. Please click here for details about the Terms and Conditions for the Baby Photo Contest.

Q. How many photos can I submit at the time of registration?
A. You can submit as many photos as you want at the time of registration for contests, but only one photograph will be chosen for the contest. Ensure that the photo is clear not blurry or grainy. Unclear, grainy photos and photos that do not seem to be legible, will be rejected by us. Please make sure that your baby's face is clear and fully visible.

Some tips:

  • Photographs in which your baby's face takes up most of the photo are preferable;
  • Ensure your baby is alone in the photo;
  • Photographs taken in proper lighting conditions make a big difference. If photos are too light, too dark or shadowed it is difficult for your baby's photo to be judged and hence, may be rejected at the time of registration;
  • You must own the copyrights to any photos that you submit;

Q. Can I change my baby's photo, when he/she has already been entered in a contest?
A. No. As per our rules and in order to be fair to other contestants, such requests are not entertained.

Q. Do the backgrounds, surrounding or costumes worn by the contestant help?
A. Yes, if the overall impression of the baby's photo significantly increases.

Q. For how long does each contest run?
A. Each contest runs for around 6 to 7 days depending upon the number of days in a month and any holidays falling on the contest dates.

Q. How many contests are held each week?
A. Currently, 2 contests are held each week.

Q. How long does it take for an entry to be put up for a contest?
A. There is no fixed time. The contests are held on a 'first come, first serve' basis after considering the rules mentioned earlier and other waiting entries.

Q. How do I register for the Baby Photo Contest?
A. You can register for a contest by using the link 'Submit your entry' given just below the contestants photographs, at the bottom of each contest page. Click here to submit your entry now!.

Q. Do you accept entries through snail mail or courier?
A. No. We only accept photographs that are uploaded via our website, at this time. You can have your photographs scanned and saved on disk at a friend's place if you don't have a digital camera or scanner.

Q. How many times can my baby enter for the contests?
A. Your baby can enter for 6 times at the maximum, in view of the six months rule mentioned above.

Q. How do I know that my baby's photo has been submitted at the time of registration and IndiaParenting has received it?
A. After you submit your registration form, you are redirected to a 'Thank You' page, which confirms that we have received your entry and it is going through our regular procedures.

Q. I have registered for the contest and it had shown me the thank you page also, but still I can't see my baby's photo in the Baby Photo Search engine.
A. This is because, though we have received your baby's entry some procedures still need to be fulfilled on our side, before we prepare the contest pages in which your baby's entry will be inserted.

Q. If I have submitted a photo and it does not appear in the next week's contest, could it possibly appear at a later date?
A. Yes. If a photo does not appear in the next contest, it does not mean that it will not appear in the future.

Q. How will I know,

  • which contest my baby has been entered for?
  • when the contest begins?
  • if my baby is the winner of the contest?
    A. You will come to know about each of the above mentioned points, through our mails which will be sent to you when such an event happens.

    Q. How will I come to know about the closing of a contest and the next contest change?
    A. Currently, the contests are held/changed on the 1st, 8th, 16th and 24th of each month. These dates may differ, in case, these dates fall on a weekend or public holiday. For the convenience of our members, we specify the contest closing dates below the voting form.

    Q. Which time zone will be considered for the dates specified for contest closure?
    A. All the dates specified for contest change/closure are according to the Indian Standard Time (IST).

    Q. What is the exact time, at which the contest/voting is closed?
    A. At present, there is no specific time for closing a contest. The contest will be closed anytime during the day, on the specified closing date. The next contest will also start on the same day.

    Q. Why is there no specific time for closing the contest?
    A. In the past contests we had noticed that some contestants had tried to engage in last minute manipulation of voting. Hence, in order to prevent such activities, we closed the contests at anytime during the day. Please note that we have no interests in influencing the results in anyway, as the Baby Photo Contest is an extra interactive feature provided for all our valued site members since it's launch, in August 1999.

    Q. Is a contestant ever disqaulified? What happens in such a case?
    A. Yes, we reserve the right to disqaulify a contestant, if we believe that there has been manipulation of voting or unfair means have been resorted to, in order to win the contest. In such a case, the next contestant with the highest number of votes, is declared as the 'Popular Awards' winner.

    Q. What is the difference between 'Popular Choice Award' and 'Critics Choice Award'?
    A. Popular Choice Awards is based on the total number of votes, whereby a baby receiving the highest number of votes wins. On the other hand, a Critics Choice Award is purely based on the decision taken by our Panel of Judges and does not consider the number of votes casted for a baby.

    Q. When a contest starts, why do I see so many votes right at the time of upload?
    A. This is because, all contestants are given initial points by our Panel of judges at the time of start of the contest, based on vaious aspects such as, cute baby, constumes worn (if any), background etc..

    Q. How many points are allotted to each contestant, by the judges?
    A. All contestants are allotted votes ranging from 5 to 30 by our Panel of Judges based on various factors such as, first impression of the photograph, any costumes worn by the baby, smiling baby, cute baby, happy baby etc.

    Q. What is the procedure to receive the prize won by my baby?
    A. The procedure is very simple. When your baby wins the contest, a mail will be sent out to you at your email address registered with us, confirming about the same and asking about your details. As soon as you reply to this mail, your baby's prize will be mailed to you.

    Q. I have still not received any mail confirming my baby as the winner of the contest.
    A. You should receive a mail on the same day when your baby was declared the winner of a contest. You will not be able to receive such a mail in case any of your details, filled at the time of registration, were wrong. Hence, please make sure that you fill in the correct details at the time of registration for a contest.

    Q. What is 'The Hall of Fame'?
    A. 'The Hall of Fame' is a winners gallery dedicated to all the winners of our past contests. Each week new winners are added to this hall.

    Q. How do I view the Previous Contests held, their winners and the Future Contests?
    A. Previous Contests, their winners and Future Contests can be viewed using the two drop down lists which are present on each contest page above the contestants photographs. The winners can also be viewed by going to 'The Hall of Fame' pages.


  • Baby Names Section
    Q. What is the Baby Names Section?
    A. If you have a newborn baby and you are looking for a name for him/her, this is the right place for you. Here you can, not only choose nice names for your baby, but also find out the meanings of these names and whether they are lucky or not. You can also hold polls, in case you are not able to decide between different names and also submit your suggestions for names not present in our database. Click here to go to the Baby Names Section.

    Q. Why do I get an error whenever I try to access the Baby Names through bookmarks or when I directly enter the URL for it?
    A. You will receive an error if you try to access the Baby Names through bookmarks or directly, without going through the Baby Names index page. This is because the pages need some parameters related to your choice of names, to display the internal pages.

    Q. What does the star '*' next to the name's meaning indicate?
    A. A star '*' sign, next to the meaning of names, indicates that the meaning has been given by a member/visitor and the meaning cannot be authenticated.


    Birth Announcements
    Q. How do I view a birth announcement in the Birth Announcements Section?
    A. Use the link in the 'Favourite Tools' given on the right hand side of our Home page. After going to this section you can choose the name of the baby, whose birth announcement you want to view, from the list given on the left hand side of the page. Click here to view the Birth Announcements page.

    Q. How do I submit my baby's birth announcement?
    A. You can submit your baby's birth announcement by filling up the form given on the Birth Annoucements main page.

    Q. How many photos can I submit for an announcement?
    A. You can submit upto a maximum of 3 photos of your baby.

    Q. How will I come to know if my baby's birth announcement has been put up?
    A. We will mail you the page link when your baby's birth announcement is ready.

    Q. How can I inform my relatives and friends about my baby's birth announcement page?
    A. There will be a feature on your baby's birth announcement page which says 'Send to family and friends', which allows you to mail the link to your relatives and friends.

    Q. For how long will the announcement be displayed?
    A. The announcement will always be available.


    Baby Site Submission
    Q. What is Baby Site Submission?
    A. If you have created a website for your baby and want to display it on our website also, then you can use this feature to add your baby's site in our Baby Site's List.

    Q. How do I submit my baby's website link?
    A. You can submit your baby's website link by clicking on the link 'Add you Baby's Site' given in the Baby Site's Box under the Favourite Tools on our front page. Click here to submit your baby's website link.


    Other Queries
    Q. Do we need to pay for the different interactive features?
    A. No. All the interactive features are FREE for our registered members.

    Q. I have some health queries. Where can I find answers to them?
    A. In case of any health queries you can check our 'Doctors on Call' Section where queries are answered by our distinguished Panel of Doctors. In this section you can refer to the Frequently Asked Questions and go through similar queries which have already been answered (FREE Service) or forward us your query (PAID Service), in case you can't find the answer you are looking for. You can also find articles on topics related to your query in our 'Health and Fitness' Section.

    Q. I have some suggestions for the site. How do I forward them?
    A. Suggestions are always welcome. You can send them using the link 'Comments or Suggestions' given at the bottom of the page.

    Q. I want to report abusive comments given in the guestbooks.
    A. You can do so, by clicking on the link given under the title of the article in the article's guestbook or you can also mail us at


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