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Republic Day Activities for Children

Republic Day Activities for Children

Republic Day in India is celebrated on 26th January every year. It is a national holiday and many children just play and enjoy the holiday. Read on to learn about the activities specific for this day which are suitable to teach kids the importance of this day.
26th January is a very special day for Indians because they celebrate Republic Day on this day every year. This is a national holiday celebrating India’s democracy and culture. Republic Day is the ideal occasion to celebrate the history of how and when India became a democratic country. It is best time to help your children become aware of Indian culture and values.
Many children do not know the importance of the day and simply enjoy the holiday as a day off from the daily routine of going to school and studies. Today, parents need to make their children aware of the significance of the Republic Day and help them understand why we celebrate it every year.

Activities for Kids for the Republic Day

Let us take a look at few activities that you can carry out on the occasion of Republic Day.

1. Help Children Make The Flag

As Republic Day approaches you will find flags of different sizes being sold everywhere. Instead of buying the tri-coloured flag, let your child organise a craft activity time and encourage them to invite other kids of the society also. Explain them the history and significance of our national flag. Tell them the symbolism of the three colours and the Ashoka Chakra in the middle.

2. Organise a Get Together

To make your children participate enthusiastically, you can organise a get together of family, friends and neighbours. Let your child take active part in making invitation cards and inviting people on phone or personally. She will start feeling proud to be Indian and learn a lot of things of importance on this day.

3. Watch The Republic Day Parade With Your Kids

The spectacular parade that is organised and shown in Delhi on the occasion of Republic Day is unmatched and no one wants to miss that. Today, if you cannot watch the parade in line, you can watch it on television or through internet as well. Show your enthusiasm and let your children enjoy the parade along with the description that is given so that they understand things in a better way. The National Bravery Awards will certainly motivate your kids and make their lives better.

4. Make Decorations With Recycled Paper

Using recycled paper or used papers for decoration will send a message to your children on taking care of the environment. Today, it is the duty of every parent to make their children aware of the tips and ways in which we can save the environment.

5. Cook Dinner With The Patriotic Theme

Tri-colour rice and dishes that represent our Indian culture and tradition will help your children know, understand and stick to values and principles of being Indian. This will help you create a memorable Republic Day meal for your entire family.

6. Family Day-Out

You can also plan a fun day-out with your family and show your child the different types of decorations in different places on the occasion of Republic Day. You can also take them out for the cultural programmes organised on the occasion of Republic Day. Some organisations also host such programmes for children so you can encourage your child to take part in it.
No matter what activities you plan to keep your child involved, make sure you take active participation in that. This is the best time to teach your children the importance of maintaining Indian tradition and inculcating patriotism in them.

Which activities can be carried out with kids on the occasion of Republic Day? How to inculcate patriotism in children? How to make children understand the importance of Republic Day? Discuss here.

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Dhyaan.9 years ago
Nice article... We must encourage our kids to celebrate our national festivals with great pomp and joy just like another festivals.
Latika.9 years ago
Nobody celebrates this day seriously. People enjoy this day as just another holiday . We must come ahead to genuinely celebrate this day.
Ranjini.9 years ago
I agree with you. At least we must not model such behaviour in front of our children. We must teach children the importance of celebrating Republic Day through activities mentioned above.
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