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5 Values Kids Should Learn by Age Five

5 Values Kids Should Learn by Age Five
Inculcating good values, manners and discipline in young children is important as they may find it difficult to imbibe such things after growing old. Let us take a look at 5 values which your kids should be able to imbibe by the age five.

Parents often feel that teaching kids values of life at very early age is not beneficial for them. But somehow it is proven that kids at toddler age are efficient learners and imbibe these values in themselves very easily. This not only helps them in long run of their life, but also makes them a better person.
As children are very soft hearted, they usually catch what they see in front of them and hear and inculcate in their habits. Here are some points through which you can guide your kids to learn the values of life in easiest way. These values are the pillars of a good human being which are essential for ever kid and parents to know.

1. Guide Them to Tell the Truth

We often see parents complaining of their children of telling lies to them. The best way to encourage them to tell the truth is to begin from you i.e. you should never tell any lie in front of anyone or any adult in your family. If your child is telling any lie to you do not overreact instead help him or her how he or she can tell the truth to you without any discomfort. You can also teach them by telling different stories which focuses on not to tell lies and so on.

2. Teach Them to Do Justice

Encourage them to amendments, if they do any wrong. Do not force them with punishment; instead make them realize the wrong they have done. Suppose if your kid has broken any toy car of his or her friend, then without scolding him or her ask to give away one of his toy car to his or her friend. By helping your child in making these gestures, your child will get to know of treating people equally.

3. Encourage Them to Be Self Reliant

Being self reliant is the value which you can teach your children from very young age. Encourage them to do their chores on their own like self feeding, packing their bags, keeping all the toys in their respective places after playing etc.

4. Teach Them to Be Kind

Teaching kids to be kind to others is one of the important values which parents like to inculcate in their kids at very early age. You can teach them with the simple method that is by praising them if they show you some help in your work. You should also set examples of kindness by being kind and helpful to others in front of your children. This will teach them to be helpful to others which will also help them to do better things in future.

5. Guide Them to Be Affectionate To Others

Parents often believe that children are affectionate in nature. But sometimes it can be proved wrong too. To make your child affectionate to others, display your affection to other members of the family in front of them. You can have some words of praise for any elderly people in your home in front of your kids, or by simply talking in a polite manner to your parents or in-laws. This will help them realise the value of affection to others. And do not forget to show signs of affection to your child too.
From the above points it is clear that as parents, it is our duty to bring up our kids in every best way we can by setting right examples. As kids are quick learners, they will absorb whatever they hear and see. The above discussed points are core values to be taught to your children, which helps them to be a better individual for future.

Which values should be taught to young children? Is it possible for very young children to imbibe good values and discipline? Why is it necessary to teach values and discipline children when they are very young? Discuss here.

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Latika.9 years ago
Life of a human being with no values is complete waste. Teaching good values , manners and discipline are important pillars of parenting.
Samay.9 years ago
Inculcating values help in building good character of children.
Riya.9 years ago
Teaching right values during first five years is crucial because children find difficult to adapt to these things after that.
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