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Top 10 Positive Parenting Tips Every Parent Must Follow

Top 10 Positive Parenting Tips Every Parent Must Follow

Children should be raised with utmost love and care and at the same time discipline and values should also be inculcated in them. Being too strict or too soft will spoil them. Let us take a look at top 10 positive parenting tips which every parent must follow.

In this article

Being a parent is not an easy task at all. You must have never been mentally prepared for this challenging job that has been so suddenly thrust upon you. Raising a child is one of the toughest experiences, but if done right, one of the most fulfilling jobs. There are ups and downs, positives as well as negatives in this journey, like any other job. So, here are some tips that will make parenting easier and help you raise your child appropriately:

Develop Your Kid’s Self Esteem

Children are used to seeing the world through their parents’ eyes. They imbibe your values, your beliefs and your ideas. Your every word is absorbed by your child. Your reaction towards your child helps them develop their self esteem. Appreciating your child’s little achievements, encouraging them in what they want do is one way to make them proud, capable and independent. If you compare your child with others and never praise them, they will lose confidence.

Avoid Negative Parenting Techniques

Parents tend to react negatively to their children. Such negativity can only harm them. They feel more criticized than loved. Show them love, reward them with kisses and hugs. They will behave automatically.

Disapprove Indiscipline

Maintaining discipline is important. Show love but do not indulge. You must have rules, like, television hours, play time, dinner time etc. Aggressive behaviours should be punished and follow your threats through. Be consistent.

Spend Quality Time with Your Children

Parents hardly give time to their children. As a result kids waste time on TV, video games and on their phones. Children do want time with their parents. Take an hour out to sit and help them with homework or have a family meal. Ask them about their day and help solve their problems. Connect with your child.

Set Good Examples

Children learn from their parents. It is important that you set a good example. Before you act rashly, think about what impact it might have on your child. Practice the behaviour that you want your kid to display yourself.

Reduce the Communication Gap

Child parent communication is essential. If your child feels that they cannot share things with you, then you can never guide them. Talk to your child, explain to them about values and behaviour and try to be non judgmental. It is okay if they make mistakes.

Avoid Unrealistic Expectations

Do not have unrealistic expectations from your children. Try to motivate them but do not force them. If your child is not performing well at school, maybe their interest lies somewhere else or they may be facing some problem.

Be a flexible parent. Try to accommodate your child’s interests. If your child is changing, try to adjust yourself. Not every child is the same. Talk to them about consequences and repercussions of certain decisions but never force your decisions on them. Let them think themselves.

Balance Being Overprotective and Uninvolved

You must know how to express your guidance. You should not come off as an overbearing parent.  You cannot keep criticizing their actions and imposing your wishes on them. Show that your love is unconditional in whatever they do. Show that in spite of everything you will love them. That there is someone they can always rely on.

9. Make Children Feel Important

Make Children Feel Important

You cannot be a perfect parent. You must come to terms with that. Always remember that just like your child needs you, you need them too. They are your family and your support system.  You might not have all the answers. You might need your children to help you. If they feel needed they will grow up to be more responsible adults.

Build a Strong Bond

Lastly, when they grow up, they should find a friend in you. However, do not be overfriendly and be alert about when and where to draw a line. Building a strong bond with children is a very important aspect of parenting.

If you follow these tips you can never go wrong in raising your child. Adopt a balanced approach and try to raise children as happy and well balanced individuals. You will be successful as a parent not just by raising successful children but raising them as good human beings.

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Arushi.8 years ago
Children should get the dose of discipline and love in right quantities.Overdose of any of the things can hamper their development. Therefore, parents must adopt positive parenting techniques for the right upbringing of children.
Abhishek.8 years ago
Very nicely written article. ... We must adopt a balanced and positive approach towards parenting. Mental and emotional well being of children should be the first priority of parents.
Sonia.8 years ago
I agree with you abhishek, being too strict or easy going can hamper the development of children. There must be right time set for everything for playing, for watching TV for eating etc. Love is also important but discipline is most important in upbringing of children.
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